Meet Samson


I was sitting here in my favorite spot, reading blogs and sipping coffee when I heard a scratching behind me on the right side. It sounded like it was inside and I immediately jumped up to look. Logically, I knew it was nothing actually in the house. The three canines would have alerted the world to the presence of an intruder. Bo would have screamed and Toni Louise would have risen from her nap behind the recliner that is usually being held to the floor by HeWho. Eddie, being a dachshund, bred to hunt small critters would have done just that.

So, no mayhem inside the house had me looking out the window. No problem finding a window, since my entire outer wall is covered with windows. It was loud enough that I expected to see a bear, but they are hibernating currently. Aren't they? Maybe one awoke and decided to visit and complain that my garbage bins were empty ...

I saw nothing. Nary a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. For someone who likes critters, I am not at all fond of mice. I circled the room looking out each and every window. Then I looked out onto the porch and out the screen door. There sat a fat squirrel looking at me! 

It was like he knew where I was sitting in the house and was just trying to get my attention. He got it! There he sat on the small entrance porch, giving me the side eye. I took his picture, then opened the slider to the screened porch and chatted a bit with him. He turned his head to one side and I swear he knew what I was saying. He seemed at ease sitting on the rail, chatting with a human like it was his normal morning ritual. He walked along the railing, looking me in the eye, then hopped down and scurried across the yard.

This is the very first squirrel I have seen since we arrived here on the mountainside. I thought it odd that I saw no squirrels. I mentioned it to a neighbor who was passing by and stopped to admire my garden up by the She Shed. She told me that all the feral cats killed them and ate them and she hadn't seen a squirrel in her woods in years. Martha, the boy cat, was an avid hunter and liked squirrel meat, himself. He also like rabbits and birds and bird eggs. But a fat cat could only eat so much.

I have seen three squirrels since seeing my squirrel, who I named Samson. You didnt think I would not name an animal I chatted with, did you? Maybe there will be some tiny Samsons come Spring. I would try to capture one to tame, but HeWho said "NO MORE PETS". The dogs and I laughed and laughed, knowing he is not the boss of me!


  1. What fun to converse with Samson. He obviously was lonely since so many of his kind have retreated from those woods, but you're right in anticipating they may be returning.

    1. I have seen him twice now and am pretty sure it was the same squirrel. He pauses to look at me. The neighbors below us are raising some kittens from the feral cats and keep food outside , so maybe the colony of cats are too full to hunt.

  2. We have way too many squirrels, despite the dogs chasing them into the woods every time I come down the driveway. They scamper along the porch rail, and raid the dog food bowls if Scarlett hasn't eaten every morsel for her and Jack. Then run down the posts and off to the trees. It seems to be a good escape plan. Even with our excess of squirrels, I've never seen a baby one.

    1. We had a lot of squirrel at the RV park. Martha kept them from our yard. asometimes they would taunt him by sitting atop the 6' privacy fence, well, until they saw him leap effortlessly to the top of the fence. We found a tiny pink baby at our cabin in Wisconsin on the ground under a tree. Pretty sure he fell from the nest in the tree. They look a lot like mice when they are brand new with no hair!

  3. We don't have squirrels here in Australia, but we have plaenty of other tree dwellers, though none so friendly as your Samson.

    1. I have always wanted to go to your country, just to see all the animal life. Too old now. Although I might consider rehoming there if the current republican I so despise is re-elected.


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