Installation, Part 2

 Let's see, where did I leave you? Yes, I remember. Delivery day had me going to bed with the old stove blocking my coffee bar and the new one languishing on the porch.

The slider door did not open sufficiently to let us take out the old to bring in the new. HeWho had a solution. He was going to remove the slider, just the side that slid back and forth. This is a tiny dwelling, so no fancy doors that would open all the way. I can't say why I figured he had exhausted all possibilities before deciding that this would be a solution. I should know better after 49 years of watching him do things until finally say, "Well, that didn't work."

Like I said before we were just about an inch shy of having enough room after removing all the parts that made the appliance wider. He was so sure he had the solution that he suggested we could bring the new refrigerator in and take the old banged up one out to the porch. I didn't bother to tell him that the new range did not match the white appliances and it didn't matter so much about the fridge until we added on to the space and redid the entire kitchen. I was busy with the turtle habitat. I just smiled and nodded. No way was I going to unload everything, then help muscle more appliances with him.

No worries, as the day progressed, things just went from bad to worse. I finished my turtle cleaning and asked if I could help with anything. He was annoyed that he could not remove the door. He snapped at me and BoJangles ran for the bathroom where he hid behind the toilet with one of his wubbies for comfort, Toni Louise escaped outside, while Eddie remained on the loveseat, hidden behind all the stuff crammed up to the loveseat to make room for the impending installation.

I am braver. I told the irritated man that he was going to have to remove the entire slider intact in the frame. While he was thinking of a comeback to my observation, I solved the problem. I noticd the black rubber stop that keeps the moving slider from banging into the frame. It looked to be about an inch or more. Turns out I was right, go figure.

The old stove was, indeed, lightweight and easy to help him get it out and onto the porch. The new one was heavy and hard to get a handhold on. My arthritic hands were very unhappy, but we managed to get it in. I left him to his tinkering and checked on Bo, still hiding behind the toilet with his giant monkey woobie. Toni was still outside and Eddie managed to get off the loveseat and run to my bedroom.

I heard an expletive and ventured out to hear him say the igniter broke. Now, I am not an appliance repairman or familiar with the terms and parts, but even I knew this part was essential. I left him to text my son for his laugh of the day. 

So here was the situation: Old stove is on the porch, all clean and ready to post a picture on marketplace. New stove is laying on its back on the little bit of floor space in the living room, with all the furniture pushed to one side. I escaped to the bedroom with the boy dogs.

Update: The warranty covers the part and they will pick up the stove tomorrow and bring me a brand new stove on Tuesday. Looks like we will be visiting eating establishments until then! HeWho offered to bring the old stove that I had spent an entire day cleaning to sell in and hook it up. Yeah, we aren't doing that. It wasn't so hard to convince him not to hook it back up. Take out tonight, restaurant tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day .....


  1. After all these years, you know the drill.

    1. Well, I certainly should! He does provide me with lots of blog material and makes me laugh after all is said and done.

  2. Oh dear, if only you were on a TV network, you'd be getting paid to live such a life! The audience would certainly love this story. I'm a little sad, but must say it was a bit amusing also. Enjoy eating out/taking out, until another new stove arrives.

    1. I often thought our campground would have been great for a reality TV show. All the elements of society seemed to come through, drama and comedy. It IS funny, my life with HeWho keeps me on my toes and leaves me laughing a lot. Not a bad life at all!

  3. I would have paid for installation...

    1. I did suggest it and hope he will do so when the new stove arrives tomorrow. By then he will think it was his idea all along.

  4. I am pretty sure nothing about this situation comes as a shock to you! Enjoy your period of dining out.

    1. After all these years, nothing much actually shocks me. I could tell you stories of my life with this man from the beginning til now. They don't really cahnge, do they?

  5. omg! all that and now you have to have another one delivered.

  6. It was supposed to be delivered today and they just called to say they would have to reschedule. A recording, of course. They used "truck problems" as the excuse. We had a big storm last night and it is still raining, so tend to think that is the "truck problem". They don't want to get wet.


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