I Have a Stove!

 When last we met, I had the stove, but it did not have a power source hooked up and was missing the oven door. Sorry, let me rephrase that. The door was here, just not actually attached to the oven.

The delivery guys took it off to get it through the door opening. HeWho needed it off to facilitate his tinkering, so it was not an issue. The stove was all tinkered with to change it from natural gas to LP gas and slid into the gaping hole in the kitchen. I was watching a movie on Netflix to keep myself occupied during the tinkering. I tend to want to question the man and offer suggestions. He does not appreciate my input, so it is better if I am silent.

He was hooking up the existing line to the new stove when his wife's nose twitched. "I smell gas." I figured it would not be a good idea to remain silent since I have a very keen sense of smell that HeWho does not have. Gas leaking into our confined space could not be good. I heard the burner ignite and hoped it was burning that smell away. It did not.

I waited a few seconds and told the man that I still smelled gas. He informed me that he had turned the gas off and not to worry about it. What? That does not sound like good advice. He said he would need a new hose and it was too late to get one. Okay, but let's open a door or a window ....

I smelled it for a long time, but I checked and it was indeed, off. Today we took a trip to Home Depot to get the new connecting hose, then on to Walmart to fill the water jugs and pick up a few necessities. I didn't even peruse the clearance aisle and we headed home.

I settled into my seat on the loveseat with my furry companions while the man went about hooking my stove up. The connection was made and he turned to the oven door .....

It came off easily and should go on just as easily. But, whatever voo-doo has been hanging over this whole stove deal continues. He tried and then he tried again. He consulted the internet and tried again. He checked the model number and the door is made to be removed since the oven is not self cleaning and should just slip back on and "snap" into place.

Self cleaning ovens will not release the oven door. How do I know this? Because I tried on a previous oven and then had to call the appliance repairman. When I heard the hammer being used, I stopped the man and reminded him that we bought the additional warranty and can call for repairs, after all, they took it off.

I have a stove and I can cook on the stovetop. The oven .... well that will have to wait. Who knew it would take nearly a month to get the new stove in place and working?

Remember, this was my Christmas gift from HeWho has a warped sense of gift giving. He means well and he did let me pick out the stove. He is improving and it only took 49 years!


  1. Replies
    1. Not really, but remember how Job developed his patience .... through many trials.

  2. One step forward and 23 steps back. You'll get your fully-working stove by next Christmas!

    1. Yes, I will look forward to baking cookies in an oven with reliable temperature control! Let's hope it is before Christmas.

  3. Are your doors too narrow that you have to take things apart to get them in or out of the house? The delivery people should have shown you how to fit the oven door back on.

    1. Yes, the door opening is too narrow. I can usually manipulate stuff enough to get it in, but the stove is heavy and I am old.

  4. Once you get it all working, you will really appreciate it, since you've had to make do for a month to even use it! We never appreciate what we have until we go without it.

  5. Oh my, big good news, and then the squeaky not so good news.

    1. Just the way the cookie crumbles ..... if you have an oven to bake them in.

  6. Replies
    1. Ain't it the truth? Repairman should be here Thursday between 8am and 5pm. This is a totally separate person to deal with set up with GE.


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