Hope Runs Deep

 Another Tuesday, delivery day. For the third time. Didn't get my stove and the new expected delivery date is now the 20th. Three weeks with no stove and I am not happy.

The reason was that it snowed north of us ..... I cooked breakfast on the electric griddle and used the toaster oven. With so little counter space this was a balancing act. The griddle moved so that one leg went off the counter top and the raw eggs went rushing onto the counter and the floor. Mr. BoJangles was delighted to clean the floor.

I am not sure he should have, he looks a little nauseous. He licked it up so fast that the other dogs didn't stand a chance. I kind of feel bad for the little guy. Maybe it will teach him a lesson about greed.

I have been smug about the weather here and got my comeuppance last night when it dropped to 11 degrees. Could have been lower, but that is what it was when I woke.

So, tomorrow is supposed to be the delivery day. Just got a text confirming it. Of course we have had those texts before. I am becoming used to the gaping hole in the kitchen where a stove should be. The slow cooker is going. I have been forced to utilize all the small appliances I own. I even cooked biscuits in the toaster oven!

I need the stove, though. Should the weather leave us without power, then nothing will replace the gas range. We still haven't gotten the refund from the original purchase. I suppose we could go outside and build a fire and really cook old school ....

Yeah, that's not happening. Fingers crossed, tomorrow between the hours of noon and 4pm should have a stove delivered. One that is not defective. I hope. Hope runs deep.


  1. Is there a stove in the TV that you can use? I know it means going out in the cold, but maybe it would be worth it?

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, there is a stove, but the temperature today is 11 degrees and it would deplete the entire tank of propane to heat the RV and then use the stove, then have to haul the food back inside. Too much trouble when I have other solutions available. Unfortunately, my desire to live in a somewhat isolated area means that food delivery is unavailable for us.

  3. Heh, heh! You have a furry Roomba to clean your floor! I admire your dedication to preparing breakfast by alternative means. If I didn't have a stove, I'd just set out a box of Little Debbie cakes.

    1. Yes, my dogs do keep the floor clean of food crumbs! Little Debbie cakes would be better than sausage biscuits and gravy for the cardiac patient!

  4. I would be in terrible shape with no stove! I love to cook, and I enjoy eating things I cook. You are very resourceful, though, with anything you do. Just hold on!

    1. I love to cook, too. Especially in the winter months when gardening is dormant. I prefer my own cooking to some of the take-out food available. Today is the day, fingers crossed.

  5. I was without a stove one Thanksgiving but made do with a toaster oven and grill on the back porch. Not fun but we were fed.

    1. All my small kitchen appliances have come in handy. The only problem being that they are stored very high, atop my cabinets and I have to climb to get them, then find some counter space on which to set them up. Annoying, but not the end of the world. So far I have paid for TWO new stoves, since we have yet to be refunded for the first one. The salesperson, Hector, is a very nice and patient man. He definitely earned his comission, but I am willing to bet he might hide if he sees us in Lowes again. The store manager is a complete jerk, saying our issues are with the company they lease out the deliveries to. That may be, but if my refund does not show up in our bank account by tomorrow the manager, who has only dealt with HeWho, will be meeting me. I only hope we have an audience for a little public humiliation. I am quite adept at tearing a person apart with just my calm, well spoken words. I admit that I rather enjoy it when I find it necessary to do so!

  6. maybe you can make the delivery man wait until you get it in the house and actually hooked up in case they have to come back for it later.

    1. The delivery man could not have waited long enough. He was too busy staring up the driveway and wondering how difficult it was going to be to reverse his way up. He should have reversed his way down and then it would have been much easier to unload and escape quickly! Other problem is that they are not supposed to bring an appliance back without a work order ..... although, that is not my problem! I was in the bedroom with the canines while they brought the stove INSIDE. Unlike the previous deliveries that I complained loudly about when I had to help muscle it inside.


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