Another Delivery

 The new range was delivered without a hitch late yesterday afternoon. Wait, I lied. Of course there was a problem! It came with out the orifices needed to change it from natural gas to propane.

HeWho had to drive to Murphy to get them, so it was dark by the time he returned with the needed parts and our dinner. We ate and then he fiddled with the new stove for a bit. Bedtime came and we called it a day and retreated to our bed.

The stove is still in the middle of the room, waiting to be moved into the kitchen and hooked up to its power source. This is progress! Slow, but progress, nonetheless.

I just might cook today. I might bake a cake in case you are coming over! Such excitement, I can barely stand it.

I will not declare victory until it is actually hooked up and in use .....


  1. If I knew you were coming, I'd have baked a cake...etc. So many old tunes are off there in the ether! So hope this is the end of stove episodes, and it works just right for you!

    1. As of today, the stove is filling the place left by the old stove, but a longer gas connection is needed and will be purchased today, so ..... progress?

  2. Yes, it is wise of you not to count your cake before it is baked.

    1. NEVER count your cakes before they are baked. Need a new connection hose for the gas. So we hd Taco Bell last night and it was pretty awful. They tasted ike the shells were not only a little sale, but just shy of rancid. Sometimes I curse my sense of taste and smell. HeWho found them to be great. Triggered my gag reflex.

  3. Replies
    1. I am beginning to think I need a lot more than luck!

  4. Fingers crossed that the project actually happens today.

    1. My fingers must have come uncrossed, as I still can't cook on it. Maybe today?

  5. I do hope by now your new stove is installed and functional. Let the baking begin! And the roasting of meats, the stirrings of gravies.

    1. You are such an optimist! Still waiting for gas ....


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