Alternate Universe

 New year, new insurance card. Different company. A big pain in my a$$. Following the instructions that accompanied the card to register, I went to the site and did just that. This is when I looked over at the reclining man and told him to register his card. He didn't. He likes to wait until the last second to do things.

So, given his tendency to procrastinate, I reminded him. I didn't say, "did you register the Caremark card yet?", but I would ask if he had gotten the email that says, "welcome to Caremark". Then he would ask what I was talking about and I would have to explain it again. No surprises here, it is a pattern. I COULD have done it for him, but I occasionally dig my heels in and make him take care of his own business.

The stove delivery scheduled for today was canceled, due to "truck problems". It has yet to be rescheduled. We had a storm last night and it rained pretty hard all morning. I figured they didn't want to get wet, or at least the truck had issues with the wet stuff. The rained eased up and I said to the man in the recliner that we needed to go to Ingles to have our prescriptions transferred. You get double points that go towards your gas, so .....

I told him again after he asked what I had said and I repeated myself. Then I asked if he had registered his new card. "Huh?" I raised my voice and put myself on repeat. ("You don't have to holler"). He then sighed and got his laptop out to begin.

Before he could ask I told him to just follow the directions provided and went to run a brush through my hair and get my shoes. "It won't do anything." I went to his side and asked if had filled in all the info and when he said yes I told him to hit continue. He was right, it did not go forward. I told him to hit that flashing "back" button to see what he had forgotten. I am assuming he completed this task and we headed out.

I presented an empty bottle that needed a refill and requested that she transfer all of my prescriptions. She looked dumbstruck. I pulled up my reserve of patience and explained that we had new insurance cards with a different company and I needed to transfer all of my prescriptions. Then she asked "from where". I rolled my eyes inwardly and told her "Walmart" and didn't add that the information she needed was right there in her hand. She walked away and then came back and asked for my name, address, birthdate, etc. She wrote all this down on a form for transferring presciptions. Then she went to the computer and exclaimed, "You are already in our system!"

I knew that, I picked up pain pills there after my oral surgery (and wished I had one to help me deal with her). I told her that I knew I was, but the new insurance needed to be input. Then she told me "You have Humana." I told her that was old and the card I gave her was new. Then she asked what other prescriptions I wanted to transfer and I said my entire profile. "We have to have the names of the drugs because they will want to know that." Thank all that is good in the world, another tech came and sent Clueless to the cash register to accept payments for people picking up. She input the new card, called the transfer in and filled the Omeprazole in a manner of minutes.

I supose it was worth all the aggravation, because my copay was ZERO! On the way home, HeWho was driving my car and we were sitting relatively close to each other, no radio on. I saw a banner on the Dollar General that prclaimed their prices to be even lower. I said, 'I wonder how their prices can be lower, as everything seems to be going up in price." Not really a question, more of an observation. HeWho answers, "Minimum wage."

So I told him he must have thought I said something else, given his answer. So, I spoke slowy and distinctly and repeated what I had said and once again he said "minimum wage". Am I in an alternate universe?


  1. Oh I have to laugh this time, since you're dealing with our local grocery, Ingles. They do hire some outstanding people, and some that need to be given guidance to do their job. A friend just retired from working for them for I think 20 years, maybe. They gave her a cake and announced her name on the PA system and everyone applauded. (Her friends are giving her a party, and I kind of doubt that any of them are Ingles friends.) Anyway, you live with a hearing impaired person who has some skills, but apparently being responsible for his life isn't one of them. It must really irritate at times! I had a friendly conversation in another store today as I checked out, about buying Christmas gifts for myself, and she said she had purchased a bottle opener. I said an option was to have a husband. She laughed at that, and said she preferred the bottle opener (which would also be my choice.) So here's a toast to you for being married and dealing with all that entails.

  2. He sometime makes me want to choke him! Then I read about a school friend losing her husband and I am ever thankful for mine. I think I might try his patience, too. I learned long ago to be very specific when I told him what I might like as a gift! The best present he ever surpised me with was 6 years ago, Christmas. I was mourning my little Doxie, Oscar, when he died in October. I was just heart broken and he presented me Charming Eddie, a little ball of fluff that warmed my heart. I still miss Oscar, but Eddie sure did ease my pain! Oscar lived a wonderful life and he was a tyrant for 17 years!

  3. For all we kid about HeWho, it's good you are grateful. Here in the "old folks home", all the women are widows. There are two men who are married, but their wives are in Assisted Living or Memory Care. I listened to two women this morning discuss the hole in their lives that was their husband.

    1. He is a good sport and can laugh at himself and I would be quite lost without him. As much as he annoys me, he takes very good care of me .... in his own way!

  4. I am used to getting answers that have nothing to do with the question. It's more fun when
    sweaving along in A-Cad, with The Pony in the back seat, and we can cut eyes and have a laugh at the inappropriateness of Hick's answer.

    1. I knew you would understand! It is more fun when you have someone to share the craziness with. I text these things to my son and we laugh together across the miles.

  5. I also have a couch potato. he's happy to tell me how he thinks I should do things but does not do them himself.

    1. I can hardly call mine a couch potato, more a recliner potato. He is very opinionated, but I am MORE opinionated than him and override most of his lunacy. Knowing you from your blog makes me believe that you are more opinionated, as well!


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