Alexa, Do You Hear Me?

 HeWho finally got Alexa dusted off and connected with our internet. We use her mostly for music. HeWho loves gadgets and he bought Alexa as a gift for me. Just one of many gifts over the years that he wanted and bought "for me". 

I am not much of a tech person as you all know if you read this. I use my phone mainly to listen to audio books. Free, from the library. I like free stuff and bargains. My daughters call me cheap. My son calls me thrifty or frugal and he is known to call me excited if he finds a good bargain. He is his mother's son.

But back to Alexa. You have no doubt heard the same stories as I have about how she is spying on us, her and Siri. You laugh and wonder if it could be true, then think it should be okay since anything overheard in your home would be of little value to anyone listening. But you still use it.

If Alexa is listening to our house, it would be quite boring. HeWho holds the recliner to the floor (retirement messed with his head and he no longer believes in gravity, or this is my story and I am sticking to it) rarely speaks unless he gets a scammer on the phone and he decides to play with them. I just hang up. Alexa would tell you that I have two voices. One for humans and one for pets. I talk to my pets a lot and they all know my voice, even the turtle. She will turn her head in my direction at the sound of my voice.

I digress. We were sitting in our usual spots one evening, up a little later than we normally are. We are old and go to bed early, around 8:30 or so. Life being so exciting in our senior years. We were watching something, like Dateline, full of suspence when out of the blue we hear a voice say "it's time to go bed."

I heard it clearly. It was 9:00. HeWho doesn't hear nearly as well as I do looked at me and asked what I said. I told him I had not said anything, but I heard it, too. It was Alexa! How did she know we were up later than usual? Why does she care about our sleeping habits? Who does she think she is, telling me when to go to bed? I have questions!


  1. I'm often dismayed when writing a text, or having a phone conversation...both of which I assume to be private, rather than email which I assume to go straight to some advertising links...only to have Facebook give me ads just about the thing I might have mentioned to my friends in verbal or text messages. I like that one blogger gives warning that the blogs also belong to Google, thus they keep track of whatever is posted. I often forget about that. Big Brother is watching us, and frankly I have little interesting things that would be of interest.

    1. Fortunately, I have no secrets worth spying on. If someone is listening, they are either bored or laughing at my exchanges with HeWho. I admit is is odd that she knows our bedtime .....

  2. Replies
    1. She does this every night at 8:58. We don't need a clock to know when to head to bed. The dogs even line up at the door to make the last trip out!

  3. Of course Alexa is spying on you! If only you could train her to tell HeWho what to do. I would never allow Alexa in my house. Our two cell phones are enough spies for us.

    1. Suppose I should be chatting with her and planting ideas on what he should be doing? It would be fun to see his face when she told him what he needs to do each day!

  4. I like to talk to my Alexa like she's a real human. I hold conversations with her like asking how she is today, telling her good morning and thanking her when she gives me the information I request from her. One day, out of the blue, she said, "Talk to me, I'm lonely". It sent chills down my

    1. Remember watching The Jetson's cartoon and thinking everything on it was fantasy? Maybe not!

  5. backtracking. nope, no Alexa for me. sme with the smart watch. I will not live by what a device tells me to do.

    1. I only use it for music, but I wouldn't be upset if the device were to disappear. HeWho does love gadgets.


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