The White Devil Returns!

 This past week has been exhausting. Every morning I wake and wonder what project I will address tthat day. Some days are quite successful and some, not so much.

The Patient is healing .... very slowly. He woke me just yesterday at 6:30 am to ask me to get the Tylenol. I admit that I did not respond immediately, using the bathroom first, then counting the steps to the kitchen where I keep all the meds. Six steps to the kitchen counter and six back to the bed. I toyed with thoughts of just starting the day, but it was still dark and it just seemed wrong, so I slipped back under my covers and slept for 2 more hours.

I always feel like I am cheating if I sleep late. I don't know exactly what or who is being cheated, but I still feel it. My old nemesis, depression has had me in its grip for the past week. I seem to get alot done while I am depressed, so I just go with it and do all the solitary chores that take me away from the house while The Patient sleeps.

I unloaded and painted the inside of the smallest shed. I used caulking to seal any avenues for cold air to leak in and out. I am quite pleased with the results. I found a large piece of shelving board that fit perfectly on one side of the shed and under the window. This is a 6' X 8' shed and has a lone tiny window that looks out into the woods. The window works and it did provide ventilation for the painting and a bit of cool air to flow in. This particular shed is located behind the carport and is shaded for most of the day, so it is always cool until about 2 in the afternoon. Also the area where I found the bear scat while mowing. Every little sound from the woods had me expecting to see a bear at the door!!

As The Patient slept and then sat in the recliner, I got out all the tools I needed to mount the shelf to serve as a work area for his stained glass. I put up some 1" X 2" boards that I found from other projects and used them to mount the shelf on. The shelf is about 18" wide and after I prepared to put it in place I had to pound it in with the hammer. 

It is not going to move! I will need to touch up some paint, though. After I did that I put together a portable closet I found on clearance at Walmart. It takes up 4' on the wall behind the work area, but it is only 2' deep, so it is out of the way. I will be using it to store out of season bedding and clothing.

Another reason to seal it all up, so mice won't invade, even though I will be sealing everything in those plastic bags, then sucking the air out with the vacuum. Today, as I was using the jig saw to cut a piece of peg board, The Patient mustered the energy to yell at me that I was using the wrong saw. He did not actually get up, though. He just plain refuses to walk on that leg. Almost a month post-op and I am sure he has a good bit of pain in his calf muscle because when he does walk, he is on his toes on that leg. I am biding my time to be able to say "I told you so"!

I continued cutting the pegboard with that wrong saw and ended up with a nice straight cut before mounting it above his work area. Tomorrow I want to frame out the window. Looks like somebody just cut the hole and stuck the window in. The hole is not straight and one side of the window has light coming in. The space was too big to use the caulk, so I rummaged around and found some 1" X 4" boards that I will cut to fit ...... with the wrong saw. Not really, because I set up the chop saw in the tool shed. I love the chop saw.

Besides those chores, I mowed and raked and mowed again, getting ready for the winter to come. I cleaned up some dying bushes in my garden and planted some turnips (I don't even like them, but The Patient does) and collards. The dogs have been giving me curious looks about the garden. 

Remember the white pit bulls that murdered Martha, the boy cat? I was just saying to neighbor the other day that I had not seen them in awhile. We were thinking their idiot owner may have gotten rid of them, or maybe he was keeping them contained on his property. Well a couple of mornings ago I happened to look out the window to see one of them in my yard!! He headed up my drive, casually, as if he belonged there, then he jumped up on the embankment and made himself visible to Mr. BoJangles as he was about the business of his morning routine.

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but Bo can scream. Bo screamed and screamed and even lazy Eddie jumped down from his perch on the couch to join Toni Louise in racing out the door to their brother dog. All three went a little berserk at the sight of Martha's murderer on their property. I knew it to be useless, but I alerted The Patient, who had sworn to shoot the white devil. The dog left before The Patient had his pants on.

Needless to say, the white devil left, still very much alive and unharmed. The day went on and the shed will be ready for some stained glass making soon. No pictures .... yet.


  1. Even depressed, you are not idle! I'm quite impressed with your work. I hope you feel a bit more chipper from your accomplishments.

    1. Staying busy is important, less time to think morose thoughts! It does make me feel better and I have a sense of accomplishment.

  2. Hope he can't get into their enclosure! Keep a close eye on your doggies for a few days.

    1. They can't get in my fence unless they tear it down and I don't think that is possible. It may not look sturdy but it is. Plus the raised beds on either side make it harder to get to the fence. You know I will be on alert! I just hate that Eddie is depived of following me around, as it is his favorite thing to do.

  3. You'll have to park The Patient near that yard with shotgun in hand. It's distressing to think of poor Bo screaming like that.

    1. I suppose I could move the recliner outside .... Unfortunately, you never know when the dogs are loose. The man's property has a gate with a warning about trespassing and is known to be highly unpredictable and vengeful. Oddly enough, those that think you should not trespass on their property think nothing of invading the property of others.

  4. Oof, not that damn dog! I feel sad for it, it is a product of its owner; but you always have to take care of the dogs first and foremost.

  5. The dog has a mate and I think they are bolder together. The one was just scoping things out. He needs to know that I am not opposed to an electric fence surrounding my babies fence. It is the owner I want to punish. You could tell they were trained to kill by the way they went about killing my cat. I am not familiar enough with guns to shoot a specific target and I don't like guns, but I would not hesitate to whack that man in the head with my heaviest iron skillet! Plus the skillets hang from a pot rack and are easily accessible!

  6. Maybe you ought to keep a pellet gun handy to sting the hell out of that dog's butt. a couple of times of that and maybe he will think twice about coming your way.

  7. I doubt that would stop either of the white devils. When I got close enough to them while they mangled my poor sweet cat I threw some sizable rocks and hit them hard enough to hear the impact and they just kept on with their mission.


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