The Trip to the Fair?

 I woke to a rather chilly morning in the low 50's. Made me wrap myself in a fluffy robe while I made coffee. I love this time of year with the bite of chill in the morning. I looked out my kitchen window where the colors are changing to red and orange.

So, the "fair" The Patient found as he scrolled on his phone was a carnival with rides. We found cotton candy on the outer area and purchased some, then left and went to find some real food. We tried a new Mexican restaurant touting Tex-Mex. It was good enough and the prices were reasonable.

I indulged in some serious cotton candy eating while we watched TV. My dogs were all as close to me as they could get as they watched me putting the fluffy stuff in my mouth. Mr. BoJangles assumed his usual perch on my left shoulder. He likes this position with his head down, just in case I drop something he can grab it before the others do. Eddie set politely on the ottoman with my feet awaiting a sample, while near sighted Toni Louise stood next to me breathing her old dog breath in my face.

Is this what heaven will be like? I hope so! I love my canine babies. They all had a taste of cotton candy. Bo's little eyes went wide as it melted on his tongue. Toni ate hers too fast to notice. Eddie, the gentleman that he is, carefully took his time to savor the hit of sugar. All the while Bo was looking for another taste and pushing Toni out of the way.

This confirms that HeWho does not pay attention. I can understand how he can misinterpret the spoken word, but he READ this. I will just focus on the fact that he wanted to go somewhere and is getting back to his old self.

Charming Eddie is still bald in the most unikely areas. The under side of his tail and his armpits (leg pits?). The fur is growing back on his paws very slowly. His once thick and shiny coat is thin and lack luster. He could appear on that ad for the humane society with his sad little face. Not sad so much as solemn. He lays around more than The Patient!!

Bo is rambunctious and Eddie will occasionally play with him. Bo loves to annoy Toni Louise. She will growl and snap at him for a good long while before curling up with him for a nap. I think she likes the play fighting. If his mates will not play with him, he will grab a wubbie and drag it to the middle of the floor and growl while he shakes it vigorously before taking it to HeWho to be thrown down the hall for him to fetch.

Toni has been more affectionate with me lately. She usually ignores me when her master is present, but since his surgery, he refuses to let her jump onto his lap, as she manages to walk on his wounds. She was just trying to encourage blood flow to help him heal! She meant no harm. So, she will jump up next to me and push herself into my lap. If I am using the laptop, she will try to nudge it off my lap and replace it. I don't mind her intrusion, but she will not simply sit down, but will put her face right up to mine.

Her breath is not at all refreshing! It was during one of these visits that I noticed her cataracts and realized she was getting so close to be able to see! Poor old girl. Since we aren't sure just how old she is, the best we can figure is that she is close to 15. Her body has the usual lipomas that older dogs get. and her fur on her face is going white. So, I let her stick her face into mine and tell her how much she is loved. She is the opposite of my favorite breed of short legs, with her long, long legs and small feet. She likes to stand on one leg and apply all her weight. Depending on where she is applying this pressure, it can be incredibly painful! She is totally unaware of this and doesn't object when her person moves that leg. She is a sweet and loving old girl and still acts like a puppy at times.

I am not looking forward to the day when she is no longer with us. My day looms large in front of me and I am trying to decide what to do with myself. I am torn between finishing the stained glass shed or hiking uo to the She Shed for more organizing. Then there is the wallpaper I want to hang in the bathroom to cover all the holes I put in the wall trying to find a stud (oops).

I have gathered enough seed in my flower and vegetable gardens to plant the entire side of the mountain. I have a quart container full of cosmos seeds. They are the yellow variety, and I want some pink ones, too. I will have to buy them, since HeWho will not stop on the side of the road and let me gather them from the gardens someone cultivated. It's not like I am taking a shovel to dig them up! I just want the seed that the wind will blow away. He is no fun! I just need someone to drive the get-away car.

The day is not getting any younger ....


  1. Around here, we used the terms "fair" and "carnival" interchangeably. So maybe that's what he was thinking? So generous of you to give the dogs a taste of cotton candy. I would have kept it all for myself! I hope Eddie gets his fur and energy back. I won't look for him on a Sarah McLachlan commercial, because I have to change channels when one comes on.

    1. Fair and carnival are interchangeable here, as well. He thought there would be things to look at, this was just rides that are of no interest to old people! Cotton candy, on the other hand is desirable to me. I didn't know he paid $6 for a bag of spun sugar or I would have choked! Bo's reaction was worth it, though. I don't know that I have ever seen a dog looked so surprised!

  2. You don't know the old trick of rapping knuckles along the wall until you hear the different sound that indicates a stud? You should buy a stud finder, available at all good hardware stores.
    Are you planning a whole field of cosmos? That would be something to see :)

    1. This is not a traditionally built "home". My walls are not very wide in the bathroom and there was no support behind the piece of wall in the middle. In order to put anything on the wall I will need to put a piece of 1"X2" board that will stretch from side to side. Easiet way to cover my mess is wall paper. I love cosmos and once planted a huge bag in the field under our billboard at the campground. I could just see them swaying in the wind. They would draw attention to the billboard. HeWho mowed them down before they had a chance to bloom. He thought they were weeds. I think they would be lovely in the slope of the ravine. I am hoping they will choke out the weeds and grass clinging to side. Worth a try, anyway.

  3. I had my honey drillholes int he wall to hang a large TV, at dfour different levels. Have never patched the wall, but he hasn't forgotten. I tellhim no one can see it.

    1. We also have holes in the wall that the TV hides. They only bother me!

  4. I have orange cosmos that usually don't bloom til fall here and get very tall, like 8'. I'll send you some of those seeds if you want.

    1. That is what I have, they get really tall. I saw some seed for some in pink tones that I will plant next year, The seed is so easy to gather while deadheading. I have a quart container full!


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