Making My Bed

 HeWho: "How do you feel?"

Me: "Dizzy." Maybe I should have said, "with my fingers."

HeWho: "Oh." Along with a deep sigh. 

Me: "Where do you want to go?"

He is getting antsy. He seems to think I should be suddenly cured. He wants to go out to eat, so I tell him that I can do that. Then I gave him a list of chores to complete. Nothing all that labor intensive, like feeding the canines and the turtle. I would have suggested that he take Dora and her habitat outside to clean it, but I asked him to do it once and he "forgot". Translation, he had no idea how to go about accomplishing this task, despite having seen me do it twice a week for the past couple of years.

I finally changed the sheets on my bed, with some help from HeWho sleeps in the bed. I could have asked him to do it, but I am particular about my place to sleep. I like very taut sheets, no wrinkles, can't stand wrinkles, crumbs, dead skin from HeWho's wounds are sloughing off the superglue they put him back together with, or Eddies scabs from his ailment.

I knew someone who claimed to change their sheets on a daily basis, although I didn't believe her. She was known to exaggerate the truth. I don't enjoy doing laundry that much and the sheets will wear out faster with so many trips through the washer. As a result, I usually remake the bed daily and tighten the bottom sheet and remove anything resting on that sheet. It is easier to grab the vacuum and after pulling all the covers off the bed, simply vaccum the bottom sheet, then remake it from there.

I know that some people don't use top sheets anymore, my daughter is among that particular subset of the population. My thoughts are that the top sheet is a barrier between you and the blanket or comforter. This would require washing that blanket or comforter everytime you change the sheets.

When making my beds, I always leave a generous amount of top sheet and blanket in order to cover my shoulders. I like the bottom of the bed to be firmly tucked with hospital corners. HeWho will use his feet to pull the sheet and blanket out from the bottom and untucking my neatly made bed. One would think that he would have noticed my annoyance with this habit and change his ways. It is not like I have been silent with my annoyance and actually shown him how to access the fold at the top. 

If I were the only one sleeping in my bed, there would be no crumbs or wrinkles to deal with. I don't begin to understand how he can make the fitted sheet not be so fitted. I use garters to hold the corners in place. There will always be dog hair to deal with, since my dogs like to sleep with me.

So, dizzy or not, my fresh sheets await me tonight!


  1. I so agree! A well made bed is a joy to sleep in.

    1. Nothing like fresh, crisp sheets to lay me down to sleep!

  2. I also like my bed wrinkle-free, but if I'm tired enough it doesn't matter what the bed feels like when I fall into it.

  3. I also like the bottom of the bed to be free from its corners so I can freely move my legs and roll over more easily. Keeping those corners tucked makes me feel like I am being held down and I hate that. I also use a top sheet to save having to wash the doona cover so often.

    1. The top sheet also feels nicer next to my skin, although my child disagrees!

  4. I have to agree with HeWho on the tucked-in bed-bottom. The first thing I do when we stay overnight at a casino is loosen up the sheet and covers at the bottom of the bed. I suppose you never sleep on your back, because how can your feet survive such a tight tuck? They have to point down like an Olympic diver's feet, or your toes feel like they're being sat on by an elephant all night.

    1. The very reason I leave a generous amount of sheet and blanket at the top. You can loosen the covers from the top to leave your feet free. When HeWho yanks the bottom from under the matress, he will then kick the covers to the floor and pull sideways from MY side of the bed to cover himself, leaving me with just dogs to keep warm! If I tuck them, it helps ...... most of the time! I don't like to have my feet restricted either!

  5. the princess and the pea is me. can't stand anything...wrinkles, bits of stuff, a single grain of sand under my body, usually my hip. how does it all even get in the bed!!! the dog I guess. I don't remake my bed every day but I pull and smooth and brush out whatever before I fall into it at night.

  6. HeWho likes to eat in bed and it makes me crazy! We only have the one bedroom, or I would probably sleep in another room! Sand comes in the dog paws, I am sure and like you, I will end up with some tiny something under my hip, it will wake me up and I have to get up and get it out of the bed!


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