Happy Birthdays


My canines, awaiting a treat. I had a carrot in my hand! They love carrots and green beans. I am happy to report that Charming Eddie's fur is growing back in. His belly is still pretty bald with the beginnings of a new coat. His paws are no longer tough skinned and naked.

Today is Eddie's birthday. He is 6 years old. He shares his birthday with my 23 year old granddaughter, Layla. Eddie is handsome, but Layla is gorgeous! She is also talented and smart. The most amazing thing about Layla is her kind nature. I always said she is the girl you wanted to hate in highschool because she was so pretty and talented and an honor roll student ..... but you couldn't because she is so sweet and nice to everyone. I think it is safe to say she didn't get that from me!!

While Eddie and Bo are clear eyed, Toni Louise has cataracts and that blank eyed look. It hasn't stopped her from watching TV. She enjoys a good show with dogs and laugh tracks. The boys look dumbly at the TV, seeing nothing, I suppose.

Mr. BoJangles is first in line , as you can see, hoping I will drop the carrot. He is a little thief, often jumping in front of his siblings to steal their treats. He gets away with a lot of treats! The other two know I will not forget them and wait patiently to hear their name called for their treats. Bo is not quite 3, so still a bit of an annoying puppy.

Eddie is honored to have been born on Layla's birthday and wished he could have a play date with her. He shares her seet temperament. Happy Birthday to my girl and my dog!


  1. Replies
    1. She is so very lovely, but I don't post pictures without permission and her Mom (my daughter) is protective.

  2. What a fine looking group of dogs!

    1. I read somewhere that black dogs are the most euthanized because people don'y want them! It is just a coincidence that all of mine are black! Not sure just how old Toni Louise is, but she is getting on and I dread the day I lose her. She is at least 3 years older than my Cujo who died last year. He was 11, so we figure she must be around 15. You always know they won't live forever, but still, it is tough when they go!

  3. So well-behaved while treat-waiting! My little Jack waits patiently, but Scarlett jumps up and down like she's on springs.

    1. Toni Louise used to twirl around on the toes of her hind legs for a treat. She will still try to do it if you ask her to dance, but she must be as dizzy as me from the way it looks! Eddie is always so well behaved and I must have snapped that picture at just the right time, because Bo is NOT well behaved and will try to intercept the treat before the intended dog can open their mouth. Bo loves carrots the way my little Emmy loved watermelon. Jack needs to show Scarlett the ropes! Maybe he tried and is as sucessful as Toni and Eddie showing Bo!

  4. happy birthday to both. I'm happy that Eddie is recovering.

    1. It has taken a long time, months and I was beginning to think he would never heal. He was very listless and he looked so sad. But he is back to his playful self again and that makes me so happy!


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