Adventures and Mowing


Finished my basket. I still need to pull away the strands of glue. I am pleased enough with it.

Today we set out for a place in Franklin to have the belt put on the mower. Siri was confused about the location and the signage on the business was indistinct. We turned around, a lot. I told him to stop somewhere and ask for directions ......

I suppose you know how that went. Then I asked him if he should stop and call the place. He did, told them where we were and we still drove right by without seeing it. He finally asked two men in a truck next to us at a red light and we finally made it.

I took some pictures along the way and my phone and computer are finally communicating again.

I can get the pictures off the phone, but the icon to edit them is not where it used to be and I can't seem to find it. I wanted to zoom in a little. But still, you can see that Highway 64 is a nice scenic drive. I failed to get a picture of the wildflowers growing along the roadside. He wouldn't stop. My chauffeur is back, but not very accomodating.

Before his surgery, the belt on the mower that is not that old broke, so he ordered one and when he started the mower, put the mowing deck down, the new belt broke. He ordered two more belts, then they sat in the tool shed, no, wait, that is not right. They sat on the back of the loveseat for a time and then were moved to the porch before I took them out to his tool shed and hung them on the wall where they should have been put in the first place.

As he is feeling better, though still using a cane, he went out to try to replace the belt again. We are responsible for mowing part of the drain field for the septic system shared by two other neighbors. No, I am not hiking up my drive dragging my mower and then making it down an embankment to get to the area!

Anyhoo, I suggested that he might take the mower in to Lowe's, where we bought it. They do not service what they sell. The closest place is in Franklin. We left the mower and went exploring. We needed to fill our big bottles of water and Siri knew exactly where the Walmart Super Center was.

This is the smallest Walmart I have ever been in! Everything was crammed together with barely enough room for carts to pass each other. NO GARDEN CENTER! 

I still found some mums to buy in the front of the store. Then I headed to the grocery section to get some cilantro and jalapeno pepper for the salsa. There was a woman pushing her cart with a tank of oxygen in it. She was  masked, as was her companion. Both masks sat UNDER their noses, defeating the purpose of the mask. Reminded me of my mother who always put her seat belt UNDER her arm, insuring injury should an accident occur. Why bother if you do not plan to do it correctly?

Their masks did not annoy me as much as their desire to meander down the aisle side by side. Everybody was backing out of the aisle to accomdate them, but I refused to move. Just because I could. I know that was mean and I would have been able to move faster had I backed up for them. Road hogs! Another pet peeve when shopping is people who do not obey the rules of the road as they push the cart against traffic. Oh wait, I just thought of one more. The people who decide to cluster together and block everything to have a reunion. Go outside or to a meeting place!

We ate a fish dinner and then came home with the mower and its new belt. I unloaded the truck of water and the few groceries while HeWho mows got the mower off the trailer. I was finished putting everything up when HeWho and his mower headed to the septic leech field where the grass grows greener as I was finishing my basket. I had just finished with all the gluing when he was back.

The belt broke! He is now on a solo trip back to Franklin and I am about to put together the beef pot pies from my leftover roast dinner from two days ago. The man was not happy.


  1. Oh dear, I wondered if the repair people had at least started the mower after installation. There appears to be a problem there. Thanks for the mountain photos...sorry you missed the wildflowers.

    1. The wild flowers were breath taking, all different shades of pink. Highway 64 has a lot of the wildflower plots along the way. I am sure the mower plce did the belt right, but there is something on the mower that needs to be fixed. HeWho uses the mower to go to the mailbox at the top of the drive every day to get the mail, so we know there is nothing wrong as far as the engine goes. Probably something he hit while mowing the leach field.

  2. Nice views, but the drop-off gives me anxiety. I don't like heights. Something going on with the mower belt. Maybe not the right size? I'll ask Hick for his opinion on a solution. Those entitled side by side and cluster people are annoying.

    1. Still dizzy here so I didn't get too close to the edge! The "safety rail" was about knee high, so useless! But there was graffiti to entertain while you enjoyed the view. I think HeWho might have hit something that left a sharp edge that simply cuts the belt when the deck is lowered. But being a mere woman possessing a logical mind, what do I know!

  3. Replies
    1. It is. Highway 64 is the North Carolina scenic by-way. Last year there numerous plots along the side of the road planted with wildflowers. They were not cultivated this year, but some of the plants reseeded themselves and are still lovely to look at.


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