Waiting Part 3

 Waiting to be released from hospitals is as bad as waiting to be admitted. The key word is "waiting" here. Always waiting.

Shift change has come and gone and the promised pain meds has not been forthhcoming. HeWho is experiencing more post op pain this time around and it is easier to keep it under control with regular doses, rather than wait until he is sweating and squirming around complaining. A lot easier for me, as well!

Yesterday and last night we had excellent nurses who responded quickly and anticipated his needs. Night nurse and day nurse came in together yesterday and last night to get a report and meet him. This morning, nothing. He was promised his pain meds almost two hours ago and has called since shift change. Still nothing. They don't want me in the nurses station, really they don't!

Not having anticipated my two night stay, I am without clean clothes and my hair is doing it's own thing and looks like an oil spill occured during my very long stay. To say I look a little deranged would be an understatement! In my current state of mind it will not be a pleasant exchange. I want to go home in the worst way possible.

The nurse has just entered the room. She is trying to converse with The Patient and he does not have his hearing aids in ......

Physician's assistant just left and is starting the discharge procedure. That is a good thing. At first she was telling us that tomorrow would be the day to go home, since his kidney function was off a little. Keep in mind that I have not had my meds yesterday or today and it is starting to show ....

Tact has gone out the window! I insisted that she find the good doctor since he PROMISED me we would be out of here this MORNING! I told him I would hold him to his promise and I meant it!

She re-read the text she got from him and said I was right (of course I was). Maintaining some control, I assured her that The Patient's wife was a nurse and fully capable of his home care and at the first sign of trouble I would have him to a medical facility. I need my meds. I am nicer with my meds. People like me better with my meds. I should be a spoke-person for pharma!

When I am without my seratonin uptake I tend to over share my feelings and opinions. That sums it up. When my youngest daughter learned to cross stitch, she made a sign for her bedroom door. "GO AWAY" said her door to the rest of her family. Then she made another that said "Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of The Way". That would be appropriate for me today.

I am ready to go and waiting for them to unhook The Patient from all their equipment. I could do it, but I am trying to be cooperative .....


  1. I share your exaperation with the medical care process at discharge from hospitals. Never ever has it been smooth. Someone should do something about that. In the meantime, I hope you have a chance to go home with now "your patient" hopefully medicated - him I mean - and you can shower and change and be also medicated. Hoorah for pharm!

    1. Our surgeon seems to be able to get things going in the right direction. I wouldn't necessarily want to work for him, since I recognize that he can be very demanding. As a patient, though, this is the one you want to take care of you!

  2. I'll bet your dogs think you have forgotten them! Wishing Hewho a speedy recovery, and for you, all your meds SOON.

    1. My canine children have been misbehaving! We can see them with the Ring camera we have on them. They have become accustomed to hearing our voices out of thin air. At first they would go crazy looking for us and would stop doing something they weren't supposed to do immediately. Now they simply ignore us when we scold them. Pretty smart to know that there will be no real consequence for bad behavior! Eddie was not Charming during his abandonment! Doxies are pretty much like cats and hold grudges and do spiteful things! Eddie peed on my ottoman!!

  3. One would think they could simplify the process! Instead that standard ream of paper was delivered to my hands. We use My Chart and every single thing in that ream of paper is also in My Chart! So much waste! At least the nurse discharging us had enugh sense not to make me sit down while she went over each and every page! I was not in a good frame of mind and my soial skills had gone out the window! One look at me and she read my attitude!


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