Oh, The Things You Will Find In His Shed!

 Despite the fact that I have yet to finish organizing my shed, I decided to tackle The Patient's shed. His shed is smaller and located close to the house in case I am needed. I can only work in it in the early morning and late afternoon when the sun is not bearing down on the metal roof. My shed is under some massive trees and only gets sun on one short side.

I can lose myself in my shed as I am putting stuff away. As long as I have water to drink, I can stay up there for hours. When I tire of being inside, I can step out and into my largest garden area. I can weed for hours on end. I listen to books on my phone or simply let my mind roam. It is so very peaceful in my gardens and many prayers have been said in this setting.

As everyone knows by now, I never found my everyday cutlery. Everyone calls it silverwear, but it is stainless. I don't clean silver! Other things have been unpacked and then disappeared. I had been looking for the electric stapler. The Patient was just going to buy another one. The project I am working on requires a light touch, but serious holding power. I am putting reed into a cabinet door that had glass in it to cover the gas heater that is seldom used under my coffee bar. We already have two manual staplers, but I do not have enough strength in my hands to push the staple out and apply enough pressure for the staple to go all the way in. Too much pressure on the frame part and it can be damaged.

We both looked for the stapler. I tried to remember who used it last and I think it was me. The Patient said it was in my shed and I conducted a search to determine that is was not in my shed. I thought it should be in his shed. You know, with the tools .... IN THE TOOL SHED. Silly me.

He went out to look (this was pre-surgery) and announced that it was not there. I went out to look for myself, thinking he had not been gone long enough. I am not sure how he looked, since the doorway was so full you could not enter the building, much less see the floor!

I ordered one and it will be here today. I decided to tackle the mess yesterday while The Patient slept the morning away. Things were flying out that door and into the yard. I found my drill. Well, one of them that came with my tool kit. Not very powerful, but enough for most things. I wanted to keep it in the She Shed and leave my really good drill for use in the house. But the first one had disappeared, until now.

Then I found the electric stapler!!! The new one will reside in the She Shed and HeWho is forbidden from the She Shed! I found trash, I found bags with merchandise he bought for specific things and has since bought it again. Hickory chips to grill with in a Walmart bag, receipt still in the bag. Oil for the mower, since repurchased. Drives me crazy! I assembled the sturdy shelves and even secured them to the main wall. The four 6' shelves will be labeled and organized with all of his duplicate tools. Then I found some side pieces of an old teacher's desk we got free and used the top for another project. I have 4 pieces and used three to make a cabinet for his shop vac and LP tank and the gas cans for the riding mower. The top is high enough for a work surface. I had already installed some peg board and pegs for the many plastic bottles that hold nails and screws and washers and nuts. All sorted by me from huge coffee cans he just tosses stuff in. I even sorted the screws according to which drill bit was needed. Needs to be done again. Not right now, though.

I forgot to take pictures of the before, but I will post after pictures when I am done. Right now, I hear the shower calling my name. The Patient wants to go to the diner for fish. At 4:00. We are old, we eat early. Really, we want to go early to avoid waiting for our booth.


  1. You're such an organizer, rediscovering your old treasures! When we go out to eat, I like to go early to avoid a crowd. But here at home, Hick gets fed around 6:00, and I generally wait until 8:00, being a nocturnal sort who stays up late and has breakfast around noon.

    1. I am the organizer in this house! We went early mainly to avoid a crowd that would jostle or bump into him. He has three incision sites to worry about and is still not steady on his feet. His favorite medical person, Susan moved his office visit up from the 18th to the 11th. His creatinine levels were concerning, as well as his blood pressure being so low. I hope she can remove the stitches from his calf where the frankenstein scar is! He is all atither about seeing Susan. I would happily take over her job and let her take care of him!

  2. I had the same thought as Joanne. Sorting his shed is likely to become a twice yearly task for you I fear.

    1. Sorting his messes out has always been my task! Clutter makes me a little crazy unless it is in my shed. But I know what and where my clutter i and what I have in mind for it. There is no mind set on his part. He just opens the door and shoves it in! Out of sight, out of mind. Fact is, I enjoy organizing and according to him he just does it for my pleasure!!

  3. Now that he is ambulatory with a cane he ventured out to have a look-see at my work. He is amazed that one can actually walk into the shed without kicking stuff out of the way. I will not be able to keep him from reverting to his old ways, but I will keep a closer eye on it. He has always been a slob and according to my mother-in-law I should just get used to it. I will never get used to it, of course and am resigned to either live with it or stay on top of it. So, she was right!

  4. I'm surprised you waited this long to tackle that shed.

    1. Oh, I have done it before! I was in hopes that he would put things away in their designated area as he unloaded boxes. He unloaded the boxes and crates and everything was just placed where ever he found a spot. I zone things! All the tools will be along one wall, a very small area is dedicated to car stuff. Everything is easy to find and will be easy to put away. A girl can dream ...


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