
 I don't consider my housekeeping skills to be flawless, but if I get involved in some weed pulling, or decide to shovel rocks for a day or two, it does tend to leave other things undone.

I do keep my kitchen and bathroom clean and the laundry rarely gets behind. Other things do, though.

Wanting a clean house to come home to after the surgical adventure in Atlanta, I was cleaning up all the clutter and getting things in order when I noticed Dora, the adorable turtle, making lots of tapping noises. This doesn't happen very often, but when it does, her water level is low.

Imagine my horror to discover NO WATER in her habitat. The horror was not for Dora, but for where the water was. Maybe I did not push the plug in all the way when I last cleaned her home the day before. The little stinker managed to get the plug out and she even moved it halfway up her ramp.

Her habitat is atop a cube shelving unit that serves many purposes besides keeping her out of Toni's path. Toni wants to hold her in her mouth, no doubt to get a taste of her. I store lots of stuff in the big compartments below Dora and the receiver for the Dish and speakers and such. The top was dripping wet with turtle water falling over the side and under the receiver. 

I gave specific instructions to HeWho was standing there wondering aloud how she managed to get the plug out. I told him to grab a dog towel. A dog towel is a worn out towel that is used when bathing the dogs. He looked confused and headed to the porch where dog towels are stored in a cabinet. I lifted the habitat, thinking to hand it to him upon receiving the asked for towel.

Maybe I should have asked one of the dogs to go get it. I put the habitat down and went to get the towel myself. I found him looking perplexed at the towels stacked and touching the top one. I snatched it out of his hand and told him to take the habitat to the porch.

He took the habitat to the porch ..... and placed it on the floor. Then he stood there admonishing Toni to "leave her alone". I saw it when I took the nasty soaked towel out to toss it on the fence to be rinsed so I could wash it. I picked the habitat up and put it high enough to prevent Toni's curiosity from getting the best of her. I didn't bother to ask why he put it on the floor, as I needed to finish cleaning up the mess.

The storage unit blocks access to the filter for the heat and air. I figured we should go ahead and change the filter while I had the unit moved away from that wall. It was bad. I knew where the new filters were and told HeWho to grab the stepstool and look on top of the dryer that sits on top of the washer. Even with a stepstool I can't reach it without my grabber thing.

I noticed the packaging telling me that the filter was good for 3 to 6 months. It has been over 18 months. It was full of dust and doghair. Should this be my task or his? For sure it should be his! I do the laundry and the cooking and the cleaning. It is only fair that he should keep up with filters and cleaning of fans and such. You know, things that require ladders and stepstools. I bet if we took a poll, I would be vindicated!


  1. You said it! My filters are crazy on my 2 mini-splits. They filter the air going into the unit. I was the dust off them regularly, as they are washable at least. But there's no mold control on the unit with filters. Your hubby needs a honey-do list, sounds like.

    1. Help is always nice and in the division of labor here on my mountainside, I always bear the largest part! HeWho thinks retirement means you do NOTHING, absolutely nothing. I have suggested that he might have considered this more when he was younger and acquired more funds to promote his retirement!

  2. Over the years I've realized that some things are just easier to do myself, and I count replacing the furnace filter on that list.

    1. It is not that I can't do it, or find the task difficult, just that I wish he was more willing to take on some tasks. It is easier ad more efficient when I do it, but .....

  3. My sister trained her husband to be responsible. There were some communication disasters along the way. He once ruined the water purifier. Long story. But he's probably pretty good at it now.

    1. Sometimes I think he acts inept at certain things to get out of helping me! No, wait, I KNOW he does!

  4. I would give HeWho a break, since it's so soon after his surgery, and maybe he's not thinking clearly. BUT... putting Dora on the floor is almost unforgiveable! Good thing you rescued her!

    1. This happened BEFORE his surgery! He was standing there watching her and scolding Toni like he could not figure out what to do to prevent the dog from grabbing the turtle, causing me to call him an idiot!! He has listened to me for this hospital adventure and is healing rapidly!

  5. Maybe you could mark up a calendar with things thta need to be done and when and as the day arrives remind him what needs to be done on that very day. Maybe even hover close by to make sure it gets done.

    1. Maybe I should make a cute little chart and reward him when he completes a chore, like he is 7 years old instead of 70! If I were to do this, I would make myself one, as well and it would become a competition that I would win easily! Maybe his mother should have done the chore list when he was still maleable. Hovering and praising is not in my mindset! Well, maybe for my dogs ...

  6. the calendar would be a good idea but then he would have to look at it and realize it was his chore to do which is no guarantee it would get done anyway. I don't do things I think should be his to do. he takes the newspaper and it accumulates quickly. because I take the recycling to the center he was waiting for me to take the newspaper which I refuse to do since I don't read it. you'd be surprised how much had accumulated, three stacks at least 3' high before I asked him when he was going to take it. oh, he was waiting for me to do it. sorry chum, that's your chore.


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