Harvest Time

 It is harvest time! I have been getting up early to pick peas and beans and squash and tomatoes. Monday was a wash as far as my garden went. The Patient had an 11am appointment with Susan. 

She removed the stitches. The glue was holding them and making it difficult to grab the suture material. This was traumatic for The Patient. I have removed stitches from small children with less drama.

Susan agreed with me that his creatinine level and the lowered blood pressure were a result of him not drinking enough fluids. So, no renal study for now, unless he presents more symptoms. She instructed him to get up and WALK every day. He either chose not to hear this or simply ignored it.

Left to his own devices, he has slept until 1:30 for the past two days. It always amazes me that he can fall to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, despite having slept so long into the day. When I commented that he was asleep when I went to sleep and he was asleep when I woke up. Apparantly I hit a nerve because he said, "Well, excuse me for being in pain after having had my leg cut open!"

I didn't want to reply and join in his pity party, but .... I responded with saying it was a good thing that I have yet to experience pain. Then I reminded him that when I had my gall bladder removed, he thought I would be okay to mow grass the very next day. 

 I mowed all the grass and then came inside to blanche vegetables to freeze. I pulled all the carrots and then planted collards in their place. I put up two quarts of carrots, 4 quarts of green beans, 4 quarts of field peas and two batches of tomato sauce. 

I found a giant zucchini hiding under a tomato plant and made some zucchini brownies.The recipe had me putting three kinds of chocolate in them. I should have listened to my own instincts about all that chocolate. I found them to be inedible. The Patient thinks they need more sugar. I will slap some icing on them if he will eat them. I also made some lemon zucchini bread. It pairs well with coffee in the morning. The canines agree.

I have been busy pulling up spent plants and then planting lettuce and spinach. I already have some spinach almost big enough to put in a salad. Dora likes cabbage occasionally, so I pulled a small leaf of spinach to tempt her. She looked at it and moved on. At some point it floated onto her shell and she spent a day and half with it stuck to her shell. She still prefers worms. But they have to be alive. She will leave them to drift to the bottom of her habitat. So picky, my little turtle!

The strawberry plants have spread into the beds next to the one allocated for them. We should have a lot of strawberries next year. My tomato plants are taller than me and I have been kept busy tying the long limbs to the fence. I have big boys, cherry and Roma tomatoes in various states of ripeness.

I have a tooth ache. The tooth has already had a root canal and a crown. As long as I don't put any pressure on it, it doesn't hurt. I have a crown in my mouth that was installed in my 30's, my early 30's. I have never had a minute's problem, yet every dentist I see tells me it should be removed and replaced with a porcelain one. It is old school and the x-ray does not penetrate. I have refused everytime. The hurting tooth was crowned recently. Right before we sold the RV park. It was costly and now I suppose I will be looking to have it removed. This does not make me fond of dentistry!


  1. Sorry about the dentistry problem. I am half way through getting an implant, and I hate the process.

  2. Maybe you could try sleeping until 1:30 to combat your tooth pain! Or maybe it will abate in a few days. I get that when my sinuses act up, then it miraculously disappears. At least you're not walking around with a leaf of spinach stuck to your back...

  3. Ouch on the toothache. I have had most of my teeth removed because of endless toothache with no apparent cause. The teeth looked healthy, but they hurt almost all the time and I finally gave up in favour of a denture.


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