Wasted Trip ....

 Another hot and sultry day here. My back yard is in shade in the mornings and I headed out to look at last night's garden growth. Everything is a little off kilter with the mild teperatures we have enjoyed most of the summer. Now that it is hot, everything seems to grow overnight.

I grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to go out, not that I couldn't have gone out in my sleep attire, secluded as we are. First I lifted the giant squash leaves to see that a few yellow neck squash had grown while I slept. In a couple of days, we will enjoy a pan of squash. I don't like to let them get really big. They get tough and they taste better when they are smaller.. Then I checked on my baby limas. Not quite ready and just a few. They are setting new blooms, though. No tomatoes taking on any color, but there are well over two dozen that will ripen at once. I see a batch of tomato sauce in my future. I picked a few green beans and then walked over to the field peas. 

I went back inside for a big bowl to put them in. I filled the bowl and found one cucumber that was still not quite ready, but the netting was preventing further growth, being inside the cucumber. Ooops. My tomato plants I started from seed and really held out little hope for are thriving.

I came inside and showered, thinking my appointment with the clinic was today. I should have looked closer at the appointment card stuck to the fridge. I didn't and I wasted a trip ...or maybe not.

It only takes about 15 minutes to get to the clinic in Georgia from our house. I left in time, but was cutting it a bit close. So, don't you know I got behind a sedan that had some self appointed speed monitor at the wheel. The car stayed in front of me until I hit the first traffic light. It was red, of course. As were the next two lights. Then traffic came to a halt. Just the south bound lane that I happened to be in. I could not see the problem until we began inching forward.

Looked like a tow truck carrying a car had lost it's load and tied up the lane. Traffic was diverted through the Walgreen's parking lot and I made to the clinic, just one minute late. I was patting myself on the back until the receptionist asked if I was sure I was supposed to be there. I wasn't, the appointment is next week. I showered and put on deodorant!! 

On my way home I stopped at this place called "Linda's". There was outdoor furniture crammed into a very small place beside the store. I was not looking for anything in particular, just looking. I found the offerings to be over priced for used stuff, so I wandered inside to get cooled off. 

I encountered a beaver pelt right inside the door. Kind of creepy, but I ventured on. The place is deceiving from the outside. It went on and on and even had merchandise on the second floor. There was a variety of items up there in various states of disrepair and like the outdoor offerings, over priced.

Lots of draperies, tablecloths and pillows continued downstairs as I turned a corner. No carts in this store, they would not have fit! I chatted a bit with the proprietor (I do have the gift of gab, you know). She is 75 and has no plans to retire. We talked while she was eating an ice cream treat. A drumstick. 

I had never witnessed someone eating ice cream with a pair of scissors. I could not stop watching. It was weirdly fascinating. She stabbed the chocolate coating with the scissor, then cut into the frozen vanilla cream. When it started to soften she examined a variety of business cards on her desk, chose one and used it to spoon the rest into her mouth. She seemed to enjoy her treat immensly and I left to hit the Dollar Tree before returning home.

The Dollar Tree was not busy, so I meandered through the bowels of the store. I picked up some canned vegetables and other pantry items along with some cleaning supplies. I noted the wall of fake flowers in autumn colors displayed proudly under the sign emploring me to "Swing Into Spring". The store was not well organized. 

The aisle with a multitude of frames for $1.25 was a hot mess. Looked like the frames were all tossed onto a shelf and if you wanted one you had to dig through the pile. The frozen foods were few and far between. Lots of unoccupied space being chilled for no reason. I longed to consolidate everything into one of the three freezer units and turn the other two off. I really hate wastefulness!

I left before I could no longer control my anal tendencies and went home. My appointment is the day before HeWho's surgery. Looks like next week will be hectic!


  1. Second floor??? That's quite a second-hand store. The description of the proprietor's ice-cream consumption has put me off ice cream. Not the scissors part, but the BUSINESS CARD! At least your shower and deodorant didn't totally go to waste. You had an adventure.

    1. The scissors would have bothered you, too, had you been there. She just picked them up from her desk and used them to open the wrapper. No cleaning of the blades before using them to cut into the frozen delight and then licking the blades clean! No telling what they had been used for besides eating utensils! Equally unappetizing as the business card that someone had fondled before handing it over. We will just call her a local character. We see them everywhere, like the older couple we see everytime we visit one of the diners. They have a baby seat with them and their little dog "Baby" sits in the booth with them in her little seat and greets her public from there as her owners eat. They are probably late 80's or early 90's and the dog is right there with them in age. Just part of the local flavor! The offerings were not in good condition. A wooden chair with no seat was $39!

  2. In my city there are several secondhand stores with second floors and I used to love rummaging around, one even had a third section "outback" across a small driveway, that's where I found a few treasures, but I no longer live near there.

    1. I love those sort of places! I doubt this one brings in a lot of money, prices being too high for the quality of the merchandise. Some things were not priced at all with signs telling you to go find Linda. I bet she would have left that ice cream to melt if someone wanted to actually buy something. A man did ask about the beaver pelt and she told him she would need to look up what she paid for it. I asked the man what he planned to do with it and he told me he would hang it on the wall. His wife was a couple of steps away and she chimed in with "all his other pelts on the wall" as she wrinkled her nose. One man's trash is another man's treasure applies here!

  3. there's a junk/resale shop on the edge of El Campo that I pass on my way to yoga class. I've been in there once years ago. dark dank kinda smelly cluttered looks small on the outside but just goes on forever inside and just full of crap. hot as hell here. 103˚ predicted for today and 108˚ for tomorrow!


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