Wait Til Next Year!

 While the trip was fun and it was nice to get away, there really is no place like home. I was chomping at the bits to see my gardens as soon as we pulled into our driveway.

Mystery flower revealed! That large packet of seeds labeled zinnia that was mixed with some sort of medium and did not look like sunflower seeds was sunflowers!

This is what it looked like when we left. Not only did they bloom, but they also grew quite a bit! I like sunflowers, but may not have planted them in this particular location. They dwarf the maple tree and block the shrubs growing behind them. Maybe I should buy more seed and just toss it into the ravine!

The lone surviving tomato plant is now taller than me!

Not just surviving, but thriving. Lots of tomatoes in my future.

The half barrel is lettuce, when we left it was just beginning to come up. Covering the fence is green beans and the squash is delivering, too.

Peas on this side of the yard have taken over the fence. Early green peas are done and I pulled them up and dried the overipe peas to plant next year. You can't see, but on the other side of the fence are young tomato plants and cucumbers, along with wax beans.

Picked these along with a big bowl full of green beans when I got home. The squash were beyond ripe, almost couldn't cut them! I did manage to harvest the seed for next year, while the bulk went in the combost bin. One cucumber was good, but the other one went to seed, as well.

Today's harvest. The compost bowl is about to spill over. Found another smaller cucumber to go with the good tasting one. They are soaking in salt for a salad tonight. Enough green and wax beans to cook tonight wait for more attention. No, I did grow the bananas! Maybe next year?

Peas in one bowl and baby limas in the other, not quite enough for a meal yet. One squash waits for a partner to grill along with some chicken in a few days.

I will be plenty busy in the coming weeks. No freezing or canning this year with the surgery of HeWho looming large this month. Maybe next season, though.

I am starting to collect spent blooms for seed. Next year is the constant for gardeners.


  1. Sunflowers! That's a nice little harvest. Your tomatoes are looking great. Protect them from the hornworms! We learned that the hard way. Though it was harder on the hornworm that looked at me over the top of a tomato!

  2. So far, so good on the insects and other pests. Snails, there are a lot of them around here. I saw a video of a snail eating from someones hand. It was cute, if a little creepy. Turtles eats snails. I looked it up before offerring one to Dora. She was expecting her daily worm and seemed to be repulsed by the snail. She wouldn't even give it a taste!!

  3. The garden soldiered on, beautifully.

    1. Sometimes we forget that Mother Nature is the real one in charge.

  4. sunflower seeds come in various colours I have learned. You soak your cucumbers in salt? I have never heard of that. For salad we just wash them, slice and toss them in the bowl, we don't even peel them.

    1. Lesson learned, don't buy seeds at the Dollar store! Mt grandmother always did, she said it draws the water out of the slices and keeps them crisp. You rinse them before adding the other ingredients. I don't know that it really keeps them crisp, but it adds a salt taste without putting salt in the dressing. I probably do it out of habit.


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