I Have Found My Passion!

 Was it just a year and a half ago that I took this picture from the driveway? My She Shed had been delivered and set up and I wondered how long it would take me to tame the "woods"?

My pictures did not load in the correct order, but this is the sloped "lawn" running alongside my driveway. I had just started planting. 

You can't tell how steep that slope is from pictures, but I needed steps up or I would have to walk all the way to the top of the driveway to step onto the "lawn".

The day the shed was delivered was supposed to be the first picture. I remember this day so well. We still had all those boxes on the porch, like a maze to be navigated in order to go inside. Those same boxes are now in various sheds, waiting to be unpacked and relocated to where they belonged. Well, they have all been opened and examined except for my sewing stuff.

This is the first picture and you can see where the land drops off into a slope.

This is where I stopped last season. I felt pretty good about the changes from last season, but as anyone who ever had a garden knows ..... you are never done!

I took this picture this morning. It goes all the way to the beginning of our drive.

A better view here. See all those weeds next to the pavement? My next project. I am pulling all those weeds and will put rocks down instead. Purely selfish because I hate mowing it, but it will look better.

This a view from the top of the driveway. The sign was already there, but it occurs to me that I have not had any visits from solicitors. I don't think the sign has anything to do with it. I think some may find the driveway to be too steep. When my nephew visited, his wife was driving and balked at driving down the slope. Flatlanders! I was scared the first time I drove my car down and had my foot on the brake the entire time. HeWho flew down like it was a carnival ride. I must have gotten used to it.

A bit of whimsey to honor my favorite breed. The weather has caught up with the rest of the world. It got up to 82 yesterday! Supposed to hit 85 today. Still cool at night, in the 60's. 

Feeling nostalgic today, looking at old photos and realized just how different things are looking. I think I have found my passion in gardening. I wish HeWho would find his passion in something beyond his recliner and ever present phone!


  1. A year and a half already! That doesn't seem possible, yet here we are. I like how your gardens are progressing.

    1. It seems like I have been here forever and at the same time, just got here! The gardens bring me so much joy. The gardens at the campground were all my doing with some help from a few like minded campers. I really hated leaving them. I see pictures the new owners posted from time to time and it makes me sick to see that no weeding or tending has been done. The grass always looks over grown and shaggy. But my new gardens will outshine the old ones!!

  2. You are doing amazing things with your place. I love that Doxie sign. Wish I had a she shed some days.

    1. I do love my She Shed. Just outside on the woodsy side it is always cool with a wonderful breeze. I want to finish clearing that area and put an outdoor kitchen with the pizza oven and the grill and a big picnic table for when we have guests. Too crowded to eat inside or on the screened porch. I never share my plans with HeWho winces when I bring up something that involves labor! I feed him baby bites ....

  3. Maybe that "guard frog" is discouraging the solicitors!

    1. Could be! When we swapped some trees from the campground for a sculpture, I wanted a dachshund. They did cardinals and bears, so how hard would a dachshund standing on his back legs be? They both looked at me like I had asked for them to tie a rope to the moon and pull it down. I never wavered, so they took it to HeWho and he told them to do a frog. Then he thought I should leave it there for the new owners!

  4. same here. I'm the doer, he's the sitter and reader.

    1. Do you get as annoyed as I do? Mine isn't even reading, he is watching you-tube. Just a colossal waste of time! I have my phone with me and I listen to audio books while I work. He made the mistake of telling me I was also on my phone "all the time". He did not fare well after that.


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