

You might recall my pitiful veggie garden of last year. Not knowing the sun's summer path, I chose this sunny spot in our front yard to hobble together some containers to plant my seeds. Ugly? Why, yes, yes it is. Permanent? NO!

As the plants grew, I added support and netting and whirly gigs to discourage the birds and rabbits. It worked and we ate vegetables last season. It served its purpose and I dismantled it all as the plants died. I had had the opportunity to watch the sun and already knew where my new raised bed garden would go.

I decided this Maple tree I brought with me from my previous home needed a surround. That tree is braided from three saplings. One of my many experiments. The tree is thriving, taller than me now.

I planted some shrubs along the drop line of the ravine. Mulching is an ongoing thing around here. I lost track of the number of bags I used so far this year. Walmart ran out of the many pallets of red and I had to switch to brown for other plots.

On one of visits to $ Tree I saw some large packets of seeds. Zinnia is what this package is supposed to be. I planted quite a few, as you can see and I have waited patiently to see the blooms. In my mind's eye I pictured multi colored blossoms adorning the little plot. Mid-July and still no flowers appearing!

That was then, this is now. I have never seen a Zinnia so tall. Is this Zinnia or something else? If it does aquire blooms, will the stalks hold up? Storms have bent some over already. I expected them to be 12" to 18" tall and blooms everywhere since I planted them so close. I seeded them and translanted them after they were viable, so it is not by accident they are clustered together. I have even thinned it and planted others elsewhere.

A bloom is forming, as I wait impatiently. Did you notice the dramatic growth of my Maple tree? And the surrounding lawn I have been seeding and watering? Things have changed and are continuing to change.


  1. Replies
    1. The package estimated 12" to 18" tall. I am begging to think the wrong seeds went into the package, but what should I expect for $1.25?

  2. Replies
    1. I have never planted ones this tall and this is one of my go-to plants for filling in a garden.

  3. Looking better every time we see it! Make sure to show us that bloom when it appears.

    1. I will definitely post a picture of the mystery bloom!

  4. I have never seen zinnia grow that tall, probably people around here grow shorter varieties. I hope you get flowers soon, you don't have much summer left.

    1. Actually, it will be arm here through September and into October. I honestly do not think this is Zinnia, I think some other seeds went into that packet, some kind of sunflower maybe.

  5. not zinnias. zinnia leaves aren't serrated and the bud looks different too. my guess is sunflowers. there are zinnias that get tall like that, california giants, which is what I grow. I have some that are at least 4' or taller and yes, the stalks will hold up the flowers.

    1. Going by the info on the package, they should be 12-18" tall. I wouldn't have planted them there where they would compete with the Maple tree for height. I think it is some variety of sunflower that I have never seen before. The seeds looked like Zinnia seeds, but were mixed with a product like coconut coir, so it was hard to tell. I have been known to just toss seed into the air and let it grow where it lands in a garden plot. I didn't do that this time. I do it a lot with Marigold seed, as they are so easy to transplant.


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