I Am Not Lazy!

 The rain let up long enough to mow on Thursday, then was back with a vengeance. Saturday was a dreary day, then Sunday started out okay, but more storms came in the evening and through the night. 

Today has been like someone keeps turning a light switch on and off. One minute sunny and hot, the next the skies darken and a wonderful breeze blows through chilling my sweaty self. 

After the nice dinner we enjoyed at the Murphy Chop House, we went on to hit a coule of grocery stores we frequent in Murphy. There is a fairly new Save A Lot there. The other Save A Lot stores all seemed to have closed during the pandemic. No one bothered to remove the store signs, so when I saw this one I figured it was closed, as well. Happy to have unfamiliar aisles to roam, I found a few bargains the first time we went.

This time, maybe I should have lowered my expectations! The store has now acquired that old grocery store smell that permeates old grocery stores. You know the smell. Like decomposing produce because they keep it too long in hopes someone will actually purchase it. This store is still new! The pigs feet in the meat case did not inspire me to hope for big bargains. There is no meat on those feet, all tendons, ligaments, bones and cartiledge. $1.99 per pound for what amounts to some very thick skin and not much else. 

Made me think of the Testicle Festival in Missouri. No, before you ask, we did not attend, though we were curious. Not that we would have eaten what some claim to be a delicacy, we had to tend to the kampground, you know.

Today has been productive for me, not so much for the man holding the recliner to the floor. I built myself a compost bin. I used some pieces of wood that had been a raised bed before I converted all my vegetable beds to my new material. As I have told you all before, the man who once accidentally cut his forehead with a chainsaw thinks I will lose a body part if allowed to use the circular saw.

So, I improvised and used my chainsaw. After all, it did not have to be pretty to hold compost. Knowing that ventilation should be a part of it, I used some of the leftover underskirting I discovered discarded on the embankment. It is not level and definitely not attractive, but no one will be seeing it besides me and the bears. I have a temporary lid on right now, but as soon as I locate those hinges I know I have seen somewhere, I will attend to that. 

Compost does not stink, in case you might be wondering. As long as you don't put meat or meat by-products in it, it just has an earthy smell. Now I can easily add grass clippings and that will speed up te decomp in time for next season's gardens. 

HeWho convinced to stop my cleaning efforts yesterday to go get the wall anchors for the live edge shelves on the tiny bit of wall next to the water dispenser. No, the coffee bar is not complete .... 

He did get the shelves up over my coffee bar. It was not so easy, as these walls are very thin. Instead of just two brackets, we had to use three on each shelf in order to hit the 2X4 in the wall. We had to get toggles for the other 4 brackets. Common sense would dictate that we would need the same for this other wall. So, did the man purchase some on the excursion to get what was needed to install the exact same brackets we used on the coffee bar? No, he got some of those plastic wall anchors that we have an entire 1 liter bottle full of on the peg wall.

He attemps to use them on the wall that I just papered to match the wall next to it and puts holes in the wall that he then spackles! I may have had an explosive reaction to it. Okay, I did get quite annoyed and ended up suggesting that he should just sit in his stupid recliner until hell froze over. He is forever and always looking bewildered at my explanation of what I want done. NOBODY ELSE ever looks so confused when I suggest a way to do something, man, woman, or child, they all seem to comprehend what I am saying. I can even tell another man to tell him and he will understand completely. I don't stutter, I have a good grasp of the language we both speak and enunciate clearly and in a loud enough voice that he can hear me.

Just makes me want to smack him!! Just like telling him he is over feeding the dogs. He knows how to read and could read the suggested portions just like I can. Our dogs require 1/2 cup of the specialty food each day per dog. That is one and a half cups. I give them 2 cups. That is a bit more than suggested. He gives them FOUR CUPS. They have lost some weight, no thanks to him. I told him that the cup I had tossed into the bag held 4 cups and he should only fill the vessel half full. So, what does he do? He grabs the scoop from the snow cone machine that was used to scoop ice and is coming in the door with a half scoop of this vessel. I grabbed it and poured in into a measuring cup and proved to him that he was giving them twice as much as needed. The real reason he does this? He is lazy and figures he will give them enough for two days and save those 10 steps used to get their food. They are dogs and like children they lack self discipline to protion their own food!

While I am sure I annoy him as much as he annoys me, he can't say I am lazy!!


  1. I have not seen pigs' feet in my Save A Lot! Not that I'm complaining...

    1. Having seen what those pig feet encounter on a daily basis, I dont want to eat them! I have probably eaten some as a child, an innocent child!

  2. Those pig feet look a lot like human hands with the thumb and fingers cut off at first knuckle. They're probably only good for making soup stock. As for HeWho...I'll zip my lip.

    1. They do look rather bizarre and makes me wonder how hard it must be to balance on them. HeWho isn't always an a$$ and does not deny his laziness!

  3. My brother ate pickled pigs feet. I never watched him but they were ugly in the jar.

    1. They are ugly and not appetizing to the eye. I wonder if you have to close your eyes to enjoy them.

  4. If they would only listen to us! I told my husband I was cutting the cat's amount of nightime kibble in half. He doubled it! I told him I would take care of it! If I want it done right. You know what I mean. right?

    1. Of course I know what you mean! I am sure the vet will praise my efforts when he sees my babies again. I was never able to control Martha, the boy cat's weight since he supplemented his diet with fresh kills.

  5. I'd have strangle him long ago. Let me know if you need help hiding the body.

    1. I will keep your offer in mind!! Love and hate are very closely related!

  6. Sad to say, but HeWho wears his laziness like a badge of honor!


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