Harvest For One


My first harvest of peas ..... and one lone bluberry. The two blueberry bushes I bought are thriving, so next year should give me more than one blueberry. Tomorrow I should get the same amount of peas and make a meal for me. HeWho is not a fan of sweet peas. The dogs love them and I do, too.

The daylilies I planted last season are putting on quite a show. I should be able to split them next year and have twice as many. The maple tree I brought with us seems to have decided to stay.

I worked at the other end of the embankment, in the partial shade yesterday. I had these iris left from splitting the giant iris and decided to put them here. I had planned to get more mulch spread. I don't know if it was the heat, or just fatigue catching up with me, but I was done by 1o'clock and couldn't muster up any more energy for the remainder of the day.

I looked down at my nearly finished steps and decided to take the long way down. There is still work to do on the steps and I am not as agile as I used to be. I will wait for the hand rail.

Today is another doctor appointment. Hopefully the surgery will be scheduled and we will finally be set free from medical facilities. For awhile, anyway. I have places to go, people to see!!


  1. I'm just now picking peas too! In fact, I had some peas for breakfast just now... leftover from day before yesterday. I, too, need a handrail if I am going to climb steps.

    1. I will eat all of the first batch myself, or I might share with Charming Eddie. I discovered some little beans yesterday and picked a few tomatoes, too.

    2. Oh my, I won't have tomatoes until at least July 4th, probably. And my beans are just now getting ready to begin blooming.

  2. I'm generally done by 1 PM myself out in the yard. all the work is done that's going to get done now that summer has arrived. your daylilies are looking good.

    1. We are still having cool nights, in the 50's here, so early mornings are almost perfect! I stop as the temperature rises and take my first shower of the day, then go back out after we eat supper. There is a spot under some big oaks beside my She Shed as the ground level descends that is always breezy and cool. I spend a lot of my time there, letting sweat dry! Had I purchased this property without a home already on it, I would have built on the embankment with a garage under the house. The view of the rushing stream and Brass Bald Mountain would still be there and it would afford a much bigger yard area and no need to back down a very steep driveway. But I am but a meek and lowly woman, what do I know?

  3. It's just about harvesting time for vegetables. Well done! Especially for a first year garden carved from a clay mountain.

  4. Those are some sweet peas! Good thing you got to them before the dogs could "harvest" a few. Or at least Eddie, who has grounds privileges.

    1. Eddie can only go out if accompanied by one of us, so imagine my surprise when I looked up while mowing the dog yard and saw my Eddie on the other side of the fence watching me! Of course that elusive gate has yet to be installed, so I had to go up on the porch and out the door at the other end to get to him! The pit bulls could have killed my baby! A bear could have gotten him!! Guess who let him go out with him and then FORGOT to bring him in?

  5. I remember growing peas in a different home to where I am now, I would eat a few as I checked on other plants etc and fill my pockets with them for dinner that night. Beans too, green beans not the lima or broad beans.

    1. I planted green beans, as well as lima beans, too. I can devour the peas raw before I make it inside! I saw some some tiny green beans yesterday and harvested two tomatoes. Soon I will have a ton of onions and potatoes. My squash plants are blooming, but no baby squash are appearing. I know they are pollinated, as there is a bumblebee hive very closeby and I see them buzzing ina nad out of the netting along with honey bees and butterflies.

  6. Had a friend in Alaska who planted peas. Woke up one morning and a moose was devouring them. I am unable to post on my blog again! Hope things settle down for you guys.

    1. I have netting over all my crops which presents it's own downfalls as the beans are vining into the netting. The part of the garden outside the fence has portable dog fences attached to the fence with bungee cords. I am hoping a bear will find our garbage can more to his/her liking than my garden and all the trouble it would take to get to the fruits of my labor! Haven't seen a moose since we lived in Minnesota! There is a pack of feral cats that roam. And the bear poop I found. I saw some deer prints, too.


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