A New Pet?


Hi, it is me, Bo, the cute one. You all know how much I enjoy being the youngest in our pack of canines. Canine is another word for dog, in case you didn't know. Sometimes my mom will say that we need a new puppy. She says the puppy would be for me! She said I need a new playmate. I don't remember telling her this!

Today she came in from her gardens and she was holding something in her hand. Eddie was on the porch and he was the first one to meet this creature in Mom's hand. Mom was singing a song to this small animal. Something about Peter Cottontail. 

While Eddie was sniffing Mom's hand, I asked Toni Louise if she knew who this Peter Cottontail was and she had never heard of anyone by this name. Dad finally opened the screen and let me onto the porch. I was so excited. I could smell this creature, but I still didn't know what it was.

I had smelled this smell before! I smelled this smell when I gained my freedom and ran up the drive. I smelled this smell a lot! I ran and ran that day. Mom was not happy about it, but that is another story for another day. I ran all the way to the road while I was smelling this smell.

This is when Mom told all of us that the creature in her hand was a rabbit! Martha, the boy cat, used to catch rabbits! I did not know that my mom was a good hunter, as well. Mom says the rabbit's name is Penelope.

Eddie said to me that this was not good. Mom naming creatures is nothing new, you know, but Eddie says this mean that the rabbit will be living with us! The rabbit seems to like my mom. This does not make me feel good! Like I said before, I enjoy my current status of being the youngest.

Mom was still holding Penelope and telling Dad to look at her tiny ears. Dad said "No, we do not need another pet!".  Mom told him how soft the rabbit was and offered to let Dad hold her. Eddie says this is a premeditated act on Mom's part. Eddie says she is trying to trick Dad into falling in love with Penelope. 

I told Eddie that my mom would never stoop to such tactics. Then Eddie asked me how I thought I came to live here. Eddie thinks he is superior because he was a gift to Mom from Dad and she didn't do anything to convince Dad to let him live here. Does he think this means I was not wanted? I know better than that! Just look at my cute face, who could resist me?

Mom has been working on some steps up the embankment and she set Penelope free right behind the shovel. At first the little rabbit just sat on that top step and looked at Mom. She had fallen asleep in Mom's hands right before Mom set her down.

Penelope slowly climbed off the step and started up to the embankment where she was found.

She heads toward the mulch that had just been put out.

She seems to like the mulch.

She burrowed a tunnel in the mulch and settled down with her butt sticking out. Mom told Dad if she was still there when she went back out, she would be staying with us. Dad agreed. I hope she is not there! I hope she finds her rabbit mom and lives a happy life. I wonder if she will be telling her birth mom about her big adventure? I wonder if she will remember how cute I am?


  1. Awww, such a cute little bunny. But they do reproduce very early in age and very often, so if Penelope stays she will need to visit the vet.

    1. I set her free last night and told HeWho if she was still where she burrowed into the mulch come morning, she would become a family member. He was quite pleased when I couldn't find her!

  2. That's a sweet bunny, Bo. I can understand how you would not want to be pushed out of the "baby" role. My little dog Jack would love that bunny. Love the taste, and the feel of it in his belly!

    1. I might give it a taste, but that rabbit was gone when Mom got up today! Eddie never partook of offerings from Martha, the boy cat. Cujo hogged all the good stuff! Toni Louise and I would usually get a taste, but not as much as Cujo! Eddie told me that he had a more refined taste and would not be participating in eating Cujo's leftovers.


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