Gardens Galore

 The weather was so nice and cool all week and I stayed outside every day. 

Even in the sun was nice, but the shade was better. I worked in the narrow garden next to my She Shed. See the Hibiscus on the right? I planted stuff up here last year, but it just didn't come back. You can't see them, but I planted Iris in that first section of the lattice. They are in shock and fallen over, but next year they should do well.

In the meantime I planted some little seedlings of Marigolds in front of them and they should be blooming soon.


This is a closer shot. They look so sad! There is a frog trio serenading the peony. The bird houses will have to go. They are full of wasps! I put the first live edge border up today, then started the trench for the next piece. I went to the trailer still holding it all and for the life of me I could not get the next piece out!

I moved these to the beginning of the drive garden. There is my Mother's Day boat from HeWho loves me dearly. We need another load of rock to be able to get the boat and trailer parked behind my shed. The Boat will be getting new upholstery and a shorter trailer. The trailer it is sitting on is for a 26 foot pontoon, ours is 18. But, the trailer came with the boat.

I made more progress. This is where I dug up the huge bunch of iris and then spread it out. In shock, still, but next year ..... Found the blade cover to my chain saw!

I still have a long way to go! I am pulling a few weeds and adding new mulch as I go. This is where I have been spending my afternoons after 4. The tree line is proving shade this time of day.

Mornings have been in the vegetable garden. I am finished with the outside beds (outside the fence) and am now working on the inside beds. I discovered that some of the big pots I planted are too heavy to move. I can kind of roll them out of the way, then I dig up whatever has been planted and replant it in the beds. The two huge pots of onions will remain in the pots, but the asparagus will be moved into a permanent bed. I hope it survives!

The beans are thriving, they are on the outside. The beans on the inside look sad. This is where Bo had been walking around before I put the netting up. Maybe they will perk up now that Bo can't dance around in the garden bed!

The strawberries are happy, but something was eating away at my beans. A little soapy spray with cayenne pepper should take care of things, though.

I hope I will get a decent harvest to justify my hard work. Coffee break is over, I have stuff to plant!!


  1. Everything looks wonderful! Is that a window box on the She Shed or an air conditioner?

    1. Window box, no, it is an air conditioner. I am so tired right now, but in a good way. I mowed all my little patches of lawns and made great headway with mulch today. I was so tired I forgot to take pictures before walking down the drive. Tomorrow.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, it brings me great satisfaction. We aren't located in an area where my efforts are seen by many, but I did it for my own pleasure.

  3. you've done so much! three years from now it will be spectacular.

    1. I hope so. I am quite pleased with it. I had a few weeds pop up, but not many, so the cardboard I put down seemd to be working along with mulch. I emptied 6 bags of mulch today, 8 more wait for my attention. I picked up 13 bags on sale. I love a bargain!

  4. That's a cute little pontoon boat. Maybe it will spur HeWho into more activity. You have two green thumbs and eight green fingers!

    1. Soon as I get some estimates for the upholstery and we get the running parts checked out we can hit the water. My next venture is to look for a slip to keep it in the water for the rest of the season. I prefer to watch HeWho back it into the water only once! At the end of the season it will park by the She Shed behind the lattice.


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