Doctor Days

 Well, we saw the general surgeon today. We were told by the surgeon in Gainesville that the removal of whatever is left of the appendix and the colonoscopy could be accomplished at the same time. This turns out not to be true. Go figure.

They had an opening for a colonoscopy 4 days from now and then the appendectomy would be a week later. Not so bad, get him in and get him out. We left the office thinking we would be done with this and be able to reschedule the other leg in a short time.

We were wrong. The surgeon's nurse called as we were eating a late lunch. He has to be seen by our cardiologist before anything can be scheduled. Great, this will throw a monkey wrench into the mechanism. Now I have to hope she can see him this week. He will have to stop his blood thinner for both procedures and she will want an EKG to determine his current status.

Delays are now the new normal, I guess. I bought some plants since we were so close to Walmart. Yes, they were on clearance. I was eagerly anticipating some time in the gardens this afternoon. My bum knee was screaming all day and it began to rain on the way home. No playing in dirt for me, but I won't need to water. 

I could clean house, yes I could. Too bad the knee is angry, so here I sit. I can't decide what hurts the most, bending my leg or extending my leg. I can't seem to find a comfortable position, so I am being very still, hoping the Tiger Balm will work fast.

In much bigger news, we bought a boat! An 18' pontoon. Used, of course. Got a good deal, even considering we will have to put some money into it. The seats need to be re-upholtered and new carpet on the deck. I am okay with the cleaning part. HeWho can spend some nice days fishing and I can read a book! The dogs can come along and sit next to em and my book. I hope this will entertain the thoughts of HeWho seems to be interested in nothing.


  1. Sorry about all the medical mess up and your knee. Let's hope the boat keeps HW occupied. And gets some tasty fish.

    1. So far the boat has inspired him to purchase accessories .... Knee is much better.

  2. Getting older is not for sissies!

    1. Things seem to take more steps than in my younger days, everything pivots on the word of the cardiologist.

  3. Those medical procedures drag out while trying to get the needed appointments scheduled. Hick's people always seem to "forget," and need calls from him to move things along. Sorry about your knee. Might be a cartilage issue if straightening and bending both seem to hurt it. We used to have a little pontoon boat we bought on a car lot! It was a lot of fun on a local lake. We bought a lot there at the county tax sale, just to have access to the lake. It was fun for fishing (me) and swimming (HOS and The Veteran when they were young), and piloting it around (Hick).

    1. We had a pontoon when we had the cabin in Wisconsin, oddly enough this boat looks just like our old boat! I am thinking of a different color of upholstery that won't fade so fast as the burgandy color it is now.

  4. I hope everything eventually works out well, including your knee and the fishing from the pontoon.

    1. Still looking for the "Mexican guy" the seller recommended. Well, HeWho is. Since we have no name or place of business to hunt down, I assume I will be the one to find a place. Knee is much better.

  5. a pontoon boat sounds good. there was a time when I wanted to live on a houseboat. I guess maybe I missed the post about how you injured your knee. and if not then I've forgotten.

    1. We vacationed n a houseboat for a week one year. It was on the chain of lakes in Brainerd, MN and you could navigate on them at will, then find an island to spend the night. It was okay, but made me realize that I didn't want to live on a houseboat.


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