Bargains and Berries


A sample of my great nose for bargains. This was sitting forlornly, in need of water and some pinching of dead leaves. Regular price was $16, I rescued this lovely Hibiscus for a mere $7. While standing in line for the third time at the pharmacy window I pinched back all the yellow leaves and brown blooms. Brought it home and placed it in the rain until I could dig a hole. It had zero blooms. After a night of scattered showers, I woke to find this!

I bought two of them and am waiting for the other one to bloom to see if it is the same color. Now I need to figure out where I will plant them. That is the thing with plants, you never know what you will find and decide you can't live without. Like fabric. You don't know what you will do with it, but you must have it!

My knee is much better, but since using a shovel was out of the question, I decided to haul Dora and her habitat outside to drain it and clean it. I like to make use of the dirty water in a garden and Dora likes to bask in the sun.

She also appreciates a good walk about in the weeds that masqerade as a lawn. She can move quite fast and will squint her eyes as she moves along. She uses that back leg to push off and get to where she wants to go.

"Look at Mommy" I said to her. She obediently looks up at me. That's a face only a mother could love! 

Then she turned and headed away from me, not ready to go back to her habitat. Can't say that I blame her. Outside is much more interesting. My next project is to build her a playground so she can be outside when I am. Chicken wire should work. A dome shape will do the trick. She won't be able to get away and nothing will be able to get in. Since she is accustomed to being provided for, I doubt she has the skills to provide for herself.

I spent the day doing tasks that did not stress the knee. I mowed, but there is very little to mow and I was done in half an hour. I pulled all the portable fences that protect my raised beds on the outside of the big fence and pulled weeds and thinned seedlings. 

Look! See it? A blueberry!!! I just planted this little bush and now I will have a blueberry for my efforts!! It takes very little to brighten my day!


  1. turtles are faster than you think and they are good climbers too. that's a pretty hibiscus. I want to get a red one like we had in the city house back when.

    1. Oops, I had Hibiscus in my head, but my fingers betrayed me! I can't wait to see what color the other one is. Dora does love to roam, and she is quite fast. I could never let her just be loose, she could disappear from sight so fast and I would then spend all my time looking for her.

  2. I wondered at the speed of turtles. Good to know they can hoof it. Lovely hibiscus.

    1. She is quick and hard to see in my "grass". I do et her walk arond in the back yard with Eddie. He keeps a close on her and follows her, until she chases him! I would never try this with Bo, he is very competitive and would want to pickher up in his mouth. Toni wants to taste her. Eddie is the perfect companion!

  3. So Dora is a runner like Toni Louise! Make sure to take a picture of Dora's exercise dome if you build one! You know, in all your spare time.

    1. I will build it. If I waited for HeWho, it might take years! I think she will really enjoy some time outside early in the morning and later in the afternoon.

  4. Dora is looking very healthy, I am sure she would love an enclosure outside. Nice orange hibiscus, I hope the other is a nice colour too.

    1. She is quite healthy, it would seem. I haven't taken her to a vet. I am not sure if mine sees turtles. I worry about her diet consisting of worms and dried shrimp. On occasion she eat the pellets that have vitamins and minerals, but mostly they soak up water and turn the water murky. The blooms have already fallen and three new one showed up this morning. The smaller one has not bloomed yet.


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