Routine Interrupted

 We have not seen the news in a week. You know the saying, "no news is good news". I don't know who thought this was a clever saying, but it just doesn't make sense when you think about it.

We usually watch the evening news and there is no lack of it out of Atlanta. You can watch the news starting at 3 in the afternoon straight through until 7 pm. It is not that we are boycotting the news. We are Dish subscribers. Have you seen them on the news? According to the message Dish has on the automated phone message they are under a cyber attack. Of course, we can't watch the news, so we have not verified this. Must be true, though, because we can't get local programming.

We are so bored, we watched the first episode of the Beverly Hillbillies. Saw some Archie Bunker through new enlightened eyes. That was on Prime. We can still get Netflix, so we aren't totally without entertainment.

I do miss our routine, though. We watch TV in bed and I am in charge of silencing it as we fall asleep. This when I like to watch Magnolia network and HGTV. The Patient takes about 20 minutes from head on the pillow to snoring and then I am in charge of programming. He has to have the TV loud enough to make my eardrums spasm, then I turn it down to a volume for normal people and he is blissfully unaware as he lays snoring.

It just seems wrong not to listen to the news as I prepare our evening meal. I miss Lester and Nora and Pat and Vanna! I suppose we are all creatures of routine. As I get older I find comfort in routine. I am not a big fan of watching TV during the day, preferring audio books. But I do miss my viewing routine. I don't know how to cook without a news story in the background!


  1. OH NO! I hate for anybody's TV routine to be disrupted! It must be a "local" local issue, because we have DISH, and are getting our local channels right now, which come out of St. Louis.

    1. I think they used "cyber attack" as a convenient excuse, because a cyber attack would be nation wide. I will be asking for a refund for that week!

  2. It's been years since I watched TV. Hope your regular programming resums soon!

    1. I find routine comforting, like background noise, but I do like to watch (listen) to the evening news and a few programs.

  3. Loud enough to make my eardrums spasm... I can so relate. So does mine.


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