New Fridge/Old Fridge

 Although we were promised a phone call with the window of delivery time yesterday .... no call. Since they were coming from Tennessee, I assumed we would get a call this morning and it would be an afternoon delivery. I was awake in my sleeping attire sipping my magic elixir when I heard the slam of a door outside. Barely 8:30. I knew it was the delivery before I looked.

As you already know, if you read this, HeWho sleeps until the crack of noon was abed and the dogs were going wild. 

I woke the sleeping man and threw on some clothes, just the closest things I grabbed. Then I spent 30 minutes unloading the old fridge. I wasn't pleasant. The men fiddled and measured and HeWho knows better told me to hurry up, while he and the delivery men stood chatting and watching me. Excited utterances may have flown from my mouth.

I completed my task and started on last night's dishes. I always leave them until morning, as the hot water helps my hands to get moving. My house, my rules. While I was washing dishes they pulled the old fridge from its space and then asked if the water was on. What? Of course the water is on. They were trying to disengage the water line that goes to the ice maker.

Once we established the status of the water they pulled the old fridge out of it's cubby hole only to discover they could not get it far enough out to pull it free. Muttering and measuring occurred and the angry lady of the house suggested that they take the handles off. My new fridge has no handles that stick out to bump my shoulder as I navigate the "hallway". I am so looking forward to loading the new fridge and then sitting back to look at my accomplishment.

This is when they start remeasuring the doorway through which the fridge must go. Delivery man had already done that and proclaimed it to be wide enough. Only problem is that it is definitely not wide enough. I suggest taking the doors off the fridge. The men in the room decide that it is not going to fit unless we take the slider completely out. 

More mumbling, muttering and seems no-one knows how to do this. "Can't you just lift the doors out of the channel they fit in, leaving the frame in place?" Blank looks from all three men like I am an alien from another planet.

They put the old fridge back in its old space and the new fridge with my handleless doors now abides on my porch. I wish I had a battering ram, I would have taken that slider down myself. Once AGAIN I reload old fridge and I am not happy about it.

HeWho was the one to decide we needed a new fridge just tells me to calm down, everything will be okay and we will still have the use of a second fridge. I doubt I will be approaching calm anytime today.

He went out to show the men where to put the new fridge and probably appologized for his wife's poor attitude and found out that they were supposed to have made this delivery at 6:30 am! 

I must go now to form an e-mail expressing my feelings to Lowes about their customer service. I prefer to do this in writing, so no more excited utterances leave my lips!


  1. Lowes does not know who they are dealing with---yet.

    1. When all is said and done, it is the delivery man who measure the doorway that I am angriest with. He said he had room. Of course we measured old fridge before purchasing new fridge and I think new fridge is 1/2" smaller than old fridge. There is a very specific place for the fridge and I am not stupid enough to go looking at something that would not fit! I am really mad that they could not have determined the doorway to be too smal BEFORE I unloaded! It came in, so it should go out, but they would not take the doors off to actually try. Maybe HeWho thought I might hit one of them, so he took over and told them to just put it back and I removed myself from all of them

  2. I'll bet you will be getting that kitchen addition you've been lobbying for sooner now! As I understand it, there is no plan to put the new, handleless fridge in the kitchen, so you will continue to have to dodge handles, and now you have lost porch space?

    1. No loss of porch space, as I was planning to have old fridge out there. I am hoping that the inconvenience will make him see that we need the addition, but who know how men form decisions? I planned on keeping beverages and things we rarely use in the porch fridge, but I have been carefully selecting things that HeWho wants on a daily basis to put out there! Both fridges are full, but a whole lot neater and not crammed together. Choosing my battles I am now harping about the coffee bar. Soon enough I will be gardening all day long and forget to irritate the man!!

  3. I assumed (silly me) the new fridge had the same dimensions as the old fridge and would comfortably slot into place leaving everyone happy. So sorry that isn't the case.

    1. Your assumption is right. One would think if it came in through the doorway, it should go out the same way. The previous owners put in the washer and dryer and they are the same width and looks to be a little deeper. I am sure they took the doors off, but I am just the woman, so why listen to me? I wasn't nice, but the man who has lived with me for 49 years will admit that I am usually right.

  4. Always something, isn;t it? You are sly and will figure out soemthing,

    1. Yes, I am sly, but why just go for the swapping of the appliances? I am angling for 300 square feet more living space. Go big or settle and I am not settling.

  5. Lowe's, the delivery people who dented the front of my stainless steel FRIG II's door. I suppose Hick has been paid back by the cashiers who didn't ring up some of his merchandise for Pony House on the bottom of his cart. I don't hold their employees in high esteem. Sorry for your difficulty in getting the customer service you paid for.

    1. The delivery men are not employees of Lowes. They work for an independent contractor. Or, these men did. At least the men who can't measure could drive in reverse ...... Too much to assume competentcy?

    2. I assumed our delivery drivers worked for Lowe's, since they gave Hick the $100 in store credit, which he did not discuss with me before taking it! Yes, I'm still bitter, since I see that dented FRIG II door every day! I would have chosen a new door, which Hick said was their alternate offer.

    3. A dent on the side or back wouldn't matter to me, since mine has to slip into a walled off area. But the door? I would have had a small fit about that. I wish the wall on one side of the fridge was open so I could make use of the magnetic space, not to mention the 4" of wall would allow me more space .....


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