Needing A Nap

 Progress on my coffee bar is non-existant. Just as well, since we had to go purchase a new refrigerator. Delaying the installation will make it easier for the delivery of the new fridge.

That is me, trying to shed an optimistic light on my frustration. The rain yesterday and today brought cooler temps, so I will refrain from hiking up the drive to play in my She Shed.

I ordered some decals for the vehicles. Hopefully this will make it easier for me to locate my car in a parking lot. I can always hit the alarm button on the key fob, but then everyone looks at me when I approach the car. I wave at them as I drive away.

Looks like my Oscar. Oscar would have been the most likely one to chew through the trunk to stick his head out. I miss my old boy, he was mean to everyone except me. 

Since the delivery of the new appliance is imminent, I should be tossing the contents that are out-dated. A nap sounds like a better idea.

I think Eddie agrees. See his dandruff? The Claritin doesn't seem to be working. That's not true, they aren't scratching as much or with as much intensity. The flaky stuff makes him look like I don't take care of him.

I hate dreary days, especially when they come in a non-stop series. A nap is in order!


  1. Having just gotten up from a nap, I heartily agree with your thought process. I've shied away from putting decals on the painted part of my car, because if you leave it there long enough the area around it will fade from the sun (and the part under the plastic will not).

    1. The car might outlive me! My nap was very nice. It was just chilly enough to need a blanket and I slept two hours, with my sidekick, Eddie. He follows me everywhere.

  2. Those "flakes" are nothing. They look good.

    1. He continues to get better and there is an allergy med just for dogs, but it is really expensive. The Claritin is not as effective, but the vet recommended it as a substitute and it won't hurt them, so ... I figure a few more weeks and all the dead skin and a couple of nice baths, folowed by Mane and Tail conditioner and he will be back to his glossy coat.

  3. Eddie's long flowing locks put my lovely lady-mullet to shame!

    1. And Eddie's locks are without the effort of haircuts!

  4. Naps are the best idea ever! I have one almost every day. Sometimes two. Eddie has a lovely coat.

    1. Naps are so lovely, just me and Eddie. Toni and Bo get down, then bark to be lifted up again! Eddie is so docile and sweet .... and unable to jump down!


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