Coffee Bar Update

 I ask for very little help around here and it is safe to say that I do the bulk of the work that gets done here. I enjoy working outside after being held captive all winter.

Would I like some help? Why, yes, that would be nice. I don't mind giving very explicit instructions, nor do I mind being asked if one is doing what I wanted BEFORE one simply does whatever he thinks will do.

HeWho swears I will cut my hand off if I use the saw, decided to install the the main shelf of my coffee bar. This is the FRONT right corner where HeWho knows it all, connected it to the leg underneath. There are two screws there, see them? Of course you do, it draws your eye straight to it .... and not in a good way. Plus the holes he left when he realized he was not lined up for the leg. Classy.

This is the other side, same thing here, an attempt and then the actual screw. I was outside all day planting and shoveling rock and painting pots and I came in to see this. It took all my self control not to scream at him, but it was his birthday and he made the sacrifice to do this for me.

You need to know that I held the shelf up and told him where to place the leg on the right side. I also handed him the L brackets that I told him to use so he would not ruin the top. I PUT THEM IN HIS LINE OF VISION and then asked if he needed my help and if he understood what I said.

After I freaked out and almost started crying, he said it was no big deal, he would fix it with wood putty and it wouldn't even be noticable. Yeah, I don't think so. I got in the shower to get ready to go the Rib Country so he cold get a free half rack of ribs for his birthday. I could hear the drill while I dried my hair.

Now there are 6 holes, no screws and he used the L brackets I had originally told him to. Wasn't hard at all, but why couldn't he think before he destroyed my piece of wood. He reminded me that we still had another piece and I reminded him that we still had two shelves to cut. Anyone who knows me, knows how it pains me to waste things. Anything.

I have lost my impetus to finish the project.


  1. I am sad that your beautiful wood has been maimed, but I can't say I'm surprised. With your craftiness, you will find a way to style decorative corner pieces that will cover the damage. At least you're getting ribs, or the alternative of your choice.

    1. I am still too upset to even think about solutions. Corner pieces would have to be custom, due to the live edge. I could cover the top, but that defeats the purpose of the live edge ...

  2. I imagine you will make a decorative sign or something to hide the "damage". WHY don't they listen??? Happy birthday to HeWho means well.

  3. All he had to do was call me in from the yard if he was unsure. I should have just done it myself. I know better!!

  4. You gave him L brackets and he still screwed things up! Oy! Remind him from me that wood putty is ALWAYS visible!

    1. His attention span rivals that of a two year old. He has ADD, but can't take the meds, they interfere with his heart meds.

  5. I have no words. well, I do but they aren't very nice. I don't suppose you could cut the ends off making the shelf a little less wide.

    1. It is only 24" as it is, so cutting off both ends is not appealing. WE are going to plug the holes with wood plugs. If that looks too obvious, I might take a torch to it and burn just the top. I plan to use epoxy on the top, so it will be sealed. This is the shelf the coffee maker will sit on, so could get wet.

  6. How frustrating! Maybe you can use a little kintsugi (the Japanese art of highlighting imperfections) and turn the flaw into something outstanding.

    1. I had to look that up! I see where you are going with it. WE are going to plug the holes, then torch it if it doesn't look right. I know better than to leave him on his own. I seriosly had his memory skills tested. He tested okay for his age and now we have a base-line. His mom had memory loss towards the end of her life, only a couple of years. Before that she was sharp. My Dad was cognizant and sharp minded until he died. He told the hospice nurse that he was going to see her the next day because I was on my way and he didn't want me to drive straight thru. When she related this to Mama and my step sister she told them his will to live was the stongest she had ever seen, he didn't have a blood pressure at that time. I was just leaving the Atlanta area when he died. Looks like my mind wanders a bit, too!!


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