Revenge Secret


It is me, Toni Louise. My hair is growing back quite nicely, but I miss the long hair around my ears. I think it makes me look quite fetching. Lady Human will not catch me so easily next time I see those clippers in her hands! I heard her tell my Man Human that she planned to clip my nails. All I can say about that is "good luck"!

Man Human (aka: my master) is beginning to act like his old self. He is eating all the time now, constantly snacking. Us dogs were happy about that, because he always shares. Well, unless it is something dogs shouldn't eat.

So, life was great until Lady Human decided all of us dogs should have a visit with the Dog Doctor. She said something about needing to update our shots. I don't mind shots so much, and I do love to visit places. 

But, they made us all get on the scales. Man Human was watching closely and when he saw that we all weighed more than we should he decided that treats will be limited to ONE a day! I would expect this reaction from Lady Human, but my master has betrayed me!

Just because I weigh over 20 lbs! I heard Lady Human say something about changing our food, too. I was worried about that. While it is true that I am not a picky eater, I will be quite distressed if the new food is not tasty. I was discussing this dilemma with Bo and Eddie just butted in. He acts like such a know-it-all. He informed us that the food will be the same. He said that Lady Human was onto our fat before we even got weighed and had been feeding us half diet/half regular food for about a year now.

That is so sneaky of her! Just who does she think she is? Once again, Eddie piped up and said she knew who she was, that she is the boss over all of us. Well, thank you, Mr. Smarty Pants. I might just know a few things that you don't know!

I was listening to the humans talking on the way home from the Dog Doctor. I was allowed to sit in front because I am the oldest. Used to be Cujo, but now it is me. Anyway, I heard Lady Human tell Man Human that she made Eddie's appointment.

This appointment she made, I know what it is ....... Eddie will be losing his boy dog parts!! Lady Human called it a vasectomy and Man Human laughed. I laughed, too. I know what that word means. Won't Eddie be surprised when he wakes up?

He is having his teeth cleaned, as well, but he thinks that is all. He might lose some teeth, like Cujo did. He is okay with that. After Cujo lost most of his teeth, Lady Human fed him a special diet. She made chicken and rice for him until his gums healed. Just him, not the rest of us. I have a good set of teeth, given my advanced years. I watch a lot of TV, and I like commercials!

I did not share Eddie's appointment information with Bo. No, this will be my secret. My revenge secret. He tells on me all the time!


  1. Replies
    1. Are you saying I am delightful? Thank you, I accept your compliment!

  2. Watch your mailbox, Toni Louise. Someone may tell Eddie your secret!

    1. I am certain that Lady Human will not let that happen. She does not want him to know, either. It might activate his stubborn mode and he will make it difficult to leash up that morning!

  3. That haircut is quite becoming, Toni Louise! It makes you look like a young pup.

  4. Toni Louise, I have a secret for you: Of all the dogs in your pack, I think you are the prettiest one. Also, I like your size. My dog Gabe weighs 18 pounds. I don't want any tiny dogs because I'm old, and I'm afraid I would smash them if they got under my feed. A twenty-pound dog is hardy and can stand a few accidental kicks. Gabe says "hello". He'd love to meet you, especially if you like to run and play. Of course, we are in Missouri, so we will never meet.

    1. Missouri, I used to live in Missouri!! I like it here now, but Gabe sounds like a fun guy and I would definitely love to run and play with him. I am not afraid to make new friends! I came to live with my humans from a dog pound. I was a cute puppy then. Man Human just showed up one day and picked me up and took me home. He is my best friend!


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