Dora Eats


Dora, the turtle, in her habitat. She is wrestling a night crawler into submission. This is one spoiled turtle. She refuses to eat the pellets from the pet store. You know, the ones that provide her with all her nutritional needs according to the label.

She wants what she wants, though. A sprinkle of dried shrimp and some moist mealworms, but no pellets. It makes me wonder about so many things. Shrimp? Seafood for a turtle? How do they get their shrimp in the wild? Who decided what should be included in the pellets that contain all the necessary components for a turtles survival? 

Yesterday I offered a cabbage leaf, but she pushed it around like a pool toy. She ate a few bits of dried shrimp floating in the water, then mounted her fake bridge to bask in the glow of the heat lamp attached to the side of her habitat.

I succumbed and washed a nightcrawler under the tap before I loosed it in her water. She pursued the worm around her pool. Toying with it, she finally opened her mouth and grabbed the worm in the middle. The worm fought valiantly, tried so hard to escape. 

The worm lost. Dora bit into the worm and then used her "hands" to tear either end off while she enjoyed her first mouthful. When I checked later, she had consumed the entire night crawler. She stared up at me when I asked her if she was happy, with contented eyes. She turned her head this way and that way as I chatted with her, reminding me of Mr. BoJangles when I sing.

She is shedding again, due to her somewhat rapid growth. Her habitat is becoming too small. I am not fond of her habitat. It resembles a dishpan with it's blue translucent plastic. I wanted a glass fish tank. I would have filled one side with pebbles and create a "pool" on the other side. It would look so much nicer that the blue dishpan she now resides in.

At the rate she is growing, we might just have to give her an outside habitat enclosed with chicken wire to keep her safe from predators and to keep her inside her area. That will be a project!

The days have been so nice, almost 60 degrees. Made me want to weed a garden. I have crocus popping out of the ground and I saw some daffodils in full bloom in a ditch yesterday. Had I had a shovel ...... the ditch is fair game, right? I checked the forecast this morning and we are expecting snow this weekend.

I dreamed about those daffodils last night. I will be putting some sort of tool that digs in my car. One needs to ready to harvest ditch flowers!


  1. Dora is a diva adn she has an adoring mom.

    1. She has quite a personality. She loves worms. I just buy fish bait nightcrawlers and she eats them about 3 times a week. Even the ones that stretch out really long. She gobbles them up and then isn't very hungry the next day. Those are mealworm and shrimp days. I do wish would eat some vegetables .....

  2. Ditches grow good stuff. I know. We rolled our extras from thinning right down the ravine. They set roots and grew.

    1. This particular ditch is in front of an abandoned house, so I doubt anyone would complain, or even notice.

  3. Dora is adorable. Don't dig the daffodils while they are flowering, make note of where they are and dig them up once the bulbs are dormant again.

    1. I know I should wait ntil they are dormant, but I doubt I can remember where they are located. I plan to take a big scoop of soil with them. I know they will go into shock, but will pop back up next year.

  4. Dora is so shiny and beautiful, in a reptile kind of way. I will be polite and not comment on her table manners. Hick used to dig up yucca plants from ditches along road right-of-ways. Probably still illegal...

    1. Is it illegal, though? Only if someone sees me! I will make The Patient be my get away driver. Dora is shiny because she was under water. Turtles will only poop in water and Dora will ony eat in water ..... the same water. I change it a couple of times a week because it grosses me out. I make her extend her appendages out and I scrub them with a soft toothbrush. She succumbs to my washing, so she must have been chatting with the canines and they told her who the real alpha is.

  5. Maybe you can get her one of those kids small plastic pools and figure out a way to put chicken wire over the top of it. She might live for 20 to 30 years! Enjoy her!


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