Time For A Trip

 While The Patient has been indisposed, the household trash has been piling up. I had put the bags in the trailer of the golf cart after the cans were full. Bears or other nocturnal beings have had a free dinner and left quite a mess.

You see, in the seperation of powers, and duties; the trash is not my responsibility. I have been to the dump on occasion with The Patient, but didn't really pay much attention. We tried to have trash pick-up, but it was iffy and we would often find a big mess at the beginning of our road where we were told to deposit the bags for pick-up. The guy would have all manner of excuses. He forgot, he was sick, he decided to choose a different day to pick up ....

I did clean up the mess and rebag it a couple of times, but this morning I asked The Patient how he was feeling and if he thought he could go to the dump with me. He was agreeable, so he dressed and I headed out with fresh bags to contain a months worth of trash and garbage. We loaded the back of the truck and The Patient drove for the first time since his last stay in a hospital.

As we drove home I mentioned the babies and he said we should just leave from Gainesville after his appointment. We are driving the RV to the appointment, dogs and all, then head south. We can go as slow as we like and stop to visit family along the way.


  1. Sounds like positive thinking; a PLAN!

    1. Now The Patient has decided that we should post-pone our trip because "there is so much we need to do". We just need to get tags for the RV and that can be done Monday. It won't take all day!

  2. Who knew that a trip to the dump could be such an uplifting experience! This is great news. Taking the doggies and the RV on Tuesday's outing is a good idea.

  3. I have a load of miscellaneous metal to take to the scrap metal recyclers but first I have to empty the truck of downed limbs but first I have to burn the burn pile because it is already too big.


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