Long Day

 This day did not start well, but I did get to talk to the doctor and his nurse practitioner. After the sudden vomiting things started happening quickly. I love the nurses on this floor, day and night shift. They have been wonderful taking care of him and me.

I asked all the questions The Patient won't ask the doctor, but will wonder about later. They think there is a kink in his small intestine. This is not uncommon with this procedure. They feel like it will resolve itself if he will get up and move around. But ... they ordered X-rays right away. His diet is clear liquid now and his antibiotic is back to IV. They did an echocardiogram. Not sure if they saw something on the read out from his heart monitor or if they did this as a precaution in case they might have to take him back to surgery. 

He got up and sat in a chair for awhile a couple of times. Around 2 pm he went to sleep and so did I. He slept peacefully for a couple of hours and I was in that sleep that leaves you hearing your surroundings. Our day nurse, Clayton, came in and out quietly and sent people away. He really needed that sleep. 

The X-rays were hard to read. There is still a lot of infected tissue in his abdomen, so he will have another CT scan in the morning. More blood draws to monitor the kidneys and vital signs every 4 hours to make sure we don't sleep much! They now wonder if his appendix burst and encapsulated into an abscess.

I was planning to go home this afternoon, but I want to be here when the doctor makes his rounds in the morning. If he is stable I will go home for awhile and get a shower and cuddle my dogs. 

He was allowed to take a shower! I stayed with him and aught him twice as he was drying off. He isn't dizzy, just very weak. I ended up wet, too and we used a ton of towels, but he had to admit that he felt a lot better after the shower. I hope it will help him sleep better tonight.

I actually forgot to eat yesterday. I won't lose any weight from that. My body will go into survival mode and store up all my fat and keep it! I had a nice lunch today and that will tide me over until tomorrow. I discovered a vending machine on this floor and was going to purchase a bottle of water. THREE DOLLARS! Are they crazy? I will cup my hands and drink from a faucet. I didn't, they gave me a bottle of water to take my meds. Now I wonder just how much that will show up costing on the hospital bill. Medicare will make them discount that!

The thing about the vending machine is that the vendor with the machines will get that money. Price gouging, plain and simple. They probably have vending machines that will dispense that same bottle of water for a dollar in a different location. I won't support that. I know I sound like Bernie Sanders, but I like Bernie, so there!

I recently took myself in for a haircut after cutting it myslef since Covid lock down. It wasn't exactly a bad cut I gave myself, it just wasn't a good one! The back was all choppy and I looked in the mirror one day after drying it and discovered that Ed Sheeran and I share the same hair cut. So, it was cut very short and will be better when it grows a bit. In the meantime, bed head has a whole new meaning. When I wake it is sticking up in every direction. It makes me look a little deranged. I hope this won't be a bad thing in the morning!


  1. Thanks for the update. I was thinking about HeWho all afternoon. Glad they are delving further into a diagnosis.

    1. The nurses and I are in agreement about his care. No small comfort.

  2. I am so glad he is still in hospital where they can get onto things right away as they happen. I hope things turn around for the better soon though.

    1. As much as I hate being here, it is reassuring to have medical personnel at the ready.

  3. Do appreciate your diligence in keeping us updated. Hoping y'all have a good day tomorrow--- answers and solutions!

    1. I brought my laptop with me. What else to do while I sit and wait? And wait some more!!

  4. You must be getting worn out. It is a lot of work being a patient advocate. He is so lucky to have you.

    1. They provide a place for me to sleep, but the sleep is not uninterrupted. I am very tired.

    2. Thinking about you and hoping for the best outcome. You have a lot right now.


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