The Cute One Speaks

 Remember me? The cute one, that's me. Things have been really scary here. Us dogs were so confused. My mom left here with our dad (she keeps calling him The Patient and this is also very confusing because he is not very patient!). She came back home that night after dark! Alone!

Us dogs had plenty of questions, but we let her get a shower and eat some food, then we went to bed. She was holding Eddie and Toni Louise was sniffing Dad's pillow. She even stuck her head under the pillow, like she though maybe he was there! I was playing a game with all the extra pillows on the bed and jumping from one to the other. Dad won't let me do this, he always says that the bed is for being still and sleeping.

She told us that Dad was in the hospital again. Why does he like to stay in a hospital so much? Is this going to keep happening? She said that Dad is sick again, but not in his leg, in his tummy. I feel really bad for him. I have had a tummy ache before and I did not like it! I threw up and felt better. Maybe he should try that! Then he could come home.

Mom said that throwing up would not help with his tummy. She said he had infection in his tummy. I wonder what infection tastes like. If it is bad, then why did he eat it? I know that grass will make me throw up and that is why I eat it, to get the stuff that is making my tummy hurt out. She told us that they would cut into him exactly where the infection is and it will come out!

This sounds barbaric!! This is a new word I learned from Eddie and I just found the perfect chance to use it! I will assume that all you readers know this word, too. Let me just say that they better not try this method on me! Eddie asked Mom how that would help Dad get better. She told us that the infection was making his tummy hurt and that was the only way to get it out. I still disagree, if he was here I would say, "Dude, just throw up!"

So, the next morning, Mom filled our water and our food. She held Dora (Dora is a turtle that Mom loves. I am not sure why, but she does) and talked to her and hand fed her some meal worms and promised to get her some night crawlers (she eats WORMS, is that not enough of a reason to put her outside?). Then she told Eddie that he was in charge, it was MY turn! She said she did not have time to deal with my over-sized ego and to just deal with it. She told us that she hoped she would be bringing him home.

She did not come home that night, or the next! When she finally showed up she told us that Dad was a very sick man. She was crying! This was serious! Us dogs got very quiet. We do not like it when Mom cries. She was on her phone a lot, but not with Dad.

She fed us and we all went to bed. Eddie stayed right by her side all night long. I went under the covers to warm her toes (she likes that). Toni scratched Dad's pillows and finally lay down in his spot. She looked very sad. Mom did an instant replay of two days ago and left in the morning.

She was gone all night again. Us dogs were on our best behavior. We tried our best to only pee on the pee pads she left for us, but Toni always has trouble with that. Mom says it looks like she tries to pee as close to it as she can, but never quite makes it. She just has a lot of pee and when she tries to use only her share, most of goes on the floor.

Another two nights and she came home again. She told us that Dad was better and he didn't need her hovering close. Toni told me that meant he didn't need Mom to stay close by. That was a big relief! The next time Mom left, Dad came home with her.

This not the end of the story, there is much more to tell next time I write! Until then I will leave you with another image of myself ..... the cute one.


  1. Yes, you are pretty cute! I'm sure your dad will be OK too, so mind Tina Louis and save mom trouble--use the pee pads!

    1. Oh, you thought I might be the one leaving pee on the floor near the pee pads. No way. I do not use pee pads! At night and when there is nobody here to let me out, I jump into the bath tub to conduct my necessary business. At first my mom was a little bit annoyed with me, but then she decided she would rather clean th tub that drag out the mop bucket. She said I was a clever little devil. That is a good thing, right?

  2. You are very cute Mr Bo-Jangles. I know you are worried about your Mum and Dad being away so much, but sometimes it is necessary when one has a serious infection that can't be fixed by throwing up and the other one needs to be near to be sure the sick one understands the medicine and to give comfort. I know the pee pads aren't the best but when that's all you've got you just have to put up with it until you get to go outside again. Everything will be back to normal soon enough.

    1. Thanks for the confirmation on m y cuteness! I use the bath tub, so those pee pads aren't for me. You are right about the medicine, my mom is in charge of all the medicine in our house. Is she a medicine woman?

  3. you have gone and dne it again, captured the chaos and emotions o fht ebabies too in this tail wagging tale. Hope things are better by the day. Love the fur kids' perspective.

    1. Thank you, I am very intuitive. I don't know what that means yet, but my Mom said it is a good thing.

  4. Yes, Bo (may I call you that? "Mr." seems so formal...), I remember you. I am as mystified by your mom's turtle-love as you, but Dora deserves a place in the house, even though you don't approve of her diet. You may have missed a turn at being in charge, but you DID get to write this story.

  5. Everybody calls me Bo, and we are old friends now, so you must do so as well. I do enjoy sharing my life with everyone and being in charge isn't as great as you would think when you are as cute as me, no one takes you seriously!


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