Another Week

 As much as I was not exactly eager to make a trip to Gainesville in the rain, I was really looking forward to having The Patient's drain system removed. No matter that I have two gallon ziplocks enclosing the dog chewed bag, it stinks. 

I was up early, drinking my coffee, pondering the ways of the world when my phone rang. It was the surgeon's office. The doctor designated to seeing The Patient is sick. Can we come in later this month or early February. I almost cried, so I know I sounded whiny when I explained my plight with the dog chewed bag to the same nurse who I spoke to last Tuesday. She checked the appointment schedule as I told her we didn't care which doctor we saw. Next Tuesday at 10 am.

I had planned my week based on this appointment. Tomorrow I would gleefully rip the sheets off the bed and redress it, ridding them of the pungent smell that seems to permiate the very air in my house. I was ready to do a deep clean and purge my surroundings of sickness.

Instead, I sat here like a sludge watching Netflix. Went ahead and put clean sheets on the bed and cleaned out the freezer as it is so full the door won't close. I am not very pleasant to be around. The Patient seems to be oblivious of my mood and has dozed in his recliner since getting up from the bed at noon. 

What else is there for him to do. Can't go anywhere. Who wants to drag a stinky bag with them? I suppose I need to be thankful that I have things to grumble about. A week ago, things weren't looking good. Another week of smelly companionship won't be so bad!


  1. HeWho may be a stinker, but at least he is feeling better! Is it wrong of me to NOT feel bad about the doctor being sick?

    1. Not at all! I really don't understand how one sick doctor can disrupt an entire practice. I never saw the same surgeon during our 8 day vacation in the hospital. It is a huge practice of trauma surgeons. You would think someone could take over his duties.

  2. Just HUGS and a "thank goodness HeWho is doing a bit better.". I wonder if there's any hope of your finding happy things to do outside (weather)? It was too hot for jeans here in Texas today!

    1. The weather on the mountain is cooler than the valleys. I did manage to plant 50 tulip bulbs and 25 allium in big pots,as I missed the opportunity to get them in the ground.

  3. You have my sympathy AND my respect. I could not handle this situation you're in. God bless you (and also the Patient).

    1. You never know what you can do until you are suddenly forced out of your comfort zone.

  4. Eventually everything will resolve itself. Until then, sending healing thoughts your way.

    1. Things are definitely getting better. Thank you for caring!


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