Happy To Meet You!


Hi Everybody!

I am Mr.BoJangles. I am, by far, the cutest little dog ever. I know this because I heard my Mommy say so! She told me not to tell the others. She was holding me still and scratching my belly when she told me. I have a secret, I already knew this. I saw myself in a mirror.

At first I thought another dog as cute as me had come to see me, like maybe I could be a twin. I tried to talk to the other dog, but he kept moving and talking exactly the same time I did. That made me think I was right about having a twin. I told Toni Louise and showed her the mirror. She called me a big dummie!

I didn't know what a dummie was, so I asked Eddie. He scolded Toni for being mean, but I don't think she even cared. He explained the mirror and told me I wasn't dumb, just a puppy. 

I really miss my cat, Martha. Martha would have taken Toni down for being mean to me. Martha loved me, my mommy said so. She told me that when I was such a tiny little puppy that Martha would help take care of me. She told me that Martha didn't know he was a cat, or a boy. I don't understand that, can't cats look in a mirror?

Eddie and my mommy say that I will get wiser as I get older. I don't know about that, but here lately my mommy has been super busy taking care of my daddy. She has been calling him "the patient". She told us dogs that he was the neediest patient she had ever tended to. He has been crabby to me and to Toni Louise. He yells when we jump into his lap.

He says we are hurting him. I have yet to see a drop of blood! Not only that, but he invites Eddie to sit with him! This so strange because Toni says that he is her human and Mommy is us boy dog's human. Eddie is everybody's favorite. He is very kind, our Eddie.

I am not so kind. Mommy says I am 60% demon! She said I was full of mischief. I don't know why she would say that! I just like adventures. I like to know what makes things work and I don't mind getting into trouble to find out. When you are as cute as me, you don't stay in trouble for very long.

Since Mommy lets Toni and Eddie write on her blog, I wanted to introduce myself. I am Bo, the cute one!


  1. Oh be still my heart.These little furry characters have a following!

    1. Following? I don't know that word yet, I will ask Eddie to explain.

  2. Bo, beautiful boy. I am swept away, seriously. I love terriers (except maybe Jack Russell terriers) and you are above and beyond.

    1. Mommy says I am lovable 40% of the time and the rest of the time my inner demon takes over!

  3. Bo Jangles, you certainly are the cutest one, if I was there I would hold you and scratch your tummy too.

    1. I would enjoy that! I also like my human scratchers to give my fur a little tug now and then!

  4. Bo, as cute as you are, I'm not sure your mommy is prepared to have TWINS of you!


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