Today is the day, people. Find your polling station and cast your ballot!

As you all know if you have been "listening", we are voting for the first time in a new state. I asked HeWho talks to people where were we to go to vote. I figured he would have already asked around and located the spot. When I say he talks to people, I meant that he talks to strangers as well as people he knows. He has that gift of finding common ground to start a conversation. After watching him for almost 49 years I have picked up some of that skill and can do the same. I am, however, a bit more selective, listening to my inner voice and trusting instinct. I find it to be a good way to eliminate interactions with creepy people.

This morning he went, as is his routine to McDonald's for his morning biscuit. I am more than willing to offer up alternatives from my kitchen for the man who swears it is only a biscuit, no sausage. I don't necessarily take his word for it, he eats it before he gets back home and destroys any evidence. He knows where his habits can end up, and I am not his mother so I quit harping about McDonald's. That doesn't mean I don't put my nagging skills to good use on other things.

But what about today and why am I bringing it up, you might be wondering. He must have encountered an individual that he started chatting with and then asked him where the polling station for our little town was. A valid query for someone who is new to the community. Well, the man asked my husband, "How do you plan to vote?" Off-putting? Absolutely! He answered "Democrat". We don't necessarily vote according to party. We research the candidates and what they want to accomplish and their character. I probably would have told the man that it was none of his business and my hackles would have risen as I removed myself from that person. His answer was to say to my husband disgustedly, "You are on your own."

No matter how you vote today, just vote. Let your voice be heard, and if things don't go your way, accept the results. Don't push your opinion on others or try to change their minds. Be decent and mind your own business. However if someone asks about the reasons you are voting for a particular candidate, answer them.

I am always interested in the whys of the world and if I ask someone what their candidate has done or said to make their decision, I truly want to know. I don't want to know that your Daddy voted for one party and that you will, too. I want to know valid reasons. I won't share mine here since you didn't ask.


  1. I do hope you located your polling station. Although I'm sure you already had looked it up and knew.

  2. I'd have thought he was just joking, but since he really DIDN'T explain where to vote, I guess not! Several people asked me where I voted a day early, and I gave them directions. Without asking how they were voting!

    1. No, the man was not joking. He was among the rabid, opinionated type of republican so common in this area. Kind of scary, the anger they emit.

  3. I can't tell you how many times I have looked back to see the husband I thought was just a few steps behind me lagging behind talking to a stranger. and that guy was just plain rude. And they wonder why we think they are deplorable.


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