
 As we head closer to the date to cast our vote, the ads are coming in non-stop. I live in North Carolina, but we get our news out of Georgia. This means that I hear a lot about the Georgia candidates. I don't know a lot about North Carolina, haven't been here that long. 

I have done my research and know who I will cast my vote for. None of the candidates are notorious enough to get national coverage like the ones in Georgia. It is easy enough to look up records and check facts about the reliability of the candidates word.

Lest you think I am going to get all political and post my views to try to convince others to believe what I believe, that is not what I am up to.

I was just sitting here relaxing after raking leaves and heard a message for Georgia voters and it struck me funny. In this ad the voice over starts by telling all the listeners that your vote is private and you do not have to share your choice with anyone. I think everyone is already aware of this .... or maybe they aren't?

After this first statement, it goes on to inform voters and non-voters that whether or not you vote is a matter of public record and anyone can obtain the information easily. Then we are all encouraged to vote.

It sounded like a threat! Made me feel like there was a squad of shamers standing at the ready to check everyone's status and then gather a posse to find you and shame you for not voting! I was listening, not watching and did not see which party was running the "public service announcement".

Just struck me funny. Isn't there enough conflict already? Will the non-voters be made to wear something to identify them as non-voters, like in The Scarlet Letter? Does this assume that non-voters should be punished? I would agree that anyone who doesn't vote does not have the right to complain about politicians. But doesn't this remind you of middle school?


  1. Your vote is private and confidential. The curtain closes and you are alone. I do know people who believe differently.

    1. How desperate must you be to use the right to vote as a weapon to ensure that everyone votes?

  2. "whether or not you vote is a matter of public record.." why? In a country where voting is not compulsory, why would they need to keep a record? Do they use the names of non-voters to pad the votes of their preferred parties? That's wrong.

    1. If there is a way to use this, there is someone who will try to gain from it. Just the ways of the world.

  3. What ages are middle school? We don't have that here.

    1. Middle School is grades 6-8. The "normal" ages for those kids are 11-14. Grade 6 is 11/12, Grade 7 is 12/13, Grade 8 is 13/14.

    2. Referring to how middle school petty differences are so monumental .... if you are a middle-schooler.

    3. We just have reception which used to be called
      kindergarten for age 5, then infant school is grades 1 & 2 for age six and seven, then primary school is grade 3 to grade 6, used to be grade 7 but that is now part of high school. High school is grade 7 to grade 12 and there is a grade 13 for those who want to do another year. My birthday is in August and these days I wouldn't have been allowed to start school until I had turned five, but I began at four and turned five near the end of term two, we had three terms per year, so I was always several months younger than the other kids until high school where I failed the first year (which was still grade 8 back then) because I didn't bother with homework and hated the French classes.

  4. That DOES sound like a bit of a threat! I know there's a record, but I didn't know there's a PUBLIC RECORD. Years back, it was done the old-fashioned way around here, and after checking your ID, the poll workers would flip open their giant books of registered voters, and put a check mark next to your name to show that you had voted. Now they shove your driver's license or state ID into a card-reader thingy. I guess they have computer records now. No more thick binders of alphabetized voters. I can't imagine a city doing it that way. There were four binders, just for our rural voting precinct.

    1. Last time we voted in Missouri, there was still the big book of voters and the marking pen. Then we were handed paper ballots and markers. We sat at a cafeteria type table and made our marks before taking the ballot to a machine that gobbled it up, much like a copy machine. We all just assume that our votes are counted and matter. You know what they say about assumptions. Not a conspiracy theorist, just a big thinker.

  5. Haven't heard that one here but both parties are running ads on TV and radio. Republican ads are outright lies or they take a phrase out of context and make false claims about it. One of Gov. Abbott's ads is his niece who goes on about what a wonderful loving man her uncle is. " We call him Tio Greg." Tio? This white bread family calls their white uncle Tio? I bet none of them even speak Spanish.

    1. Next time I hear the ad, I will make a point of looking to see who paid for the ad. I have to hear about Hershell Walker all day long. Stacey Abrams is a close second, but at least she doesn't sound like the village idiot when she speaks. Walker has no business running for office as far as I am concerned. It is easy to see that he is simply parrotting someone elses agenda. The man is not all that bright and it it shows. Surprisingly, though, the people seem to think he is such a marvel and a good example, the way he has helped so many. All of his claims have been debunked as false, but a football hero in the deep south over rides all doubt! One of his defenders pointed out that he had taken many hits to the head and we should all cut him some slack. If he has issues with his memory and his morality, why does that make him a good candidate? I said I wasn't going to hare my political opinions ....... I lied, or maybe I forgot?

  6. All the slander and lies and encouraging gets old. I am always glad when those ads are over. And those who support HW and his ilk cannot think for themselves.


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