
 My mother used to say that bad things come in threes. That popped into my head last night as I was trying to go to sleep. I pulled Eddie closer to me and rained kisses on his head and told him how much I loved him. Sensing something out of the normal, Bo crawled out from the covers and actually snuggled next to me and allowed kisses to his head. Toni Louise lay there, her head partially under her master's pillow, and stared at us. I reached a hand to her and she gave it a quick lick and burrowed deeper.

My foot explored the bed without any obstacles. Martha used to take up residence at the foot of the bed in the center of my side. I could either put a foot on either side of him or maneuver to one side or the other. He was not one to move after he settled in for the night. I used his body heat to warm my cold toes.

I am out of tears. My mind will just touch the edges of the horror that was watching my pet be mauled. Cujo dying without me holding him was enough to deal with. I was finally able to think about Cujo without wanting to bawl. But this attack is more than my mind can handle. So, I am numb. 

After we delivered Martha to the pet crematory yesterday, HeWho went up the mountain to speak with the owner of the dogs. Other neighbors warned that this was not a good idea, as they assured him that the owner of the dogs was certifiably crazy. 

While I was screaming at his dogs to put my cat down, the owner had said that he was born and raised on this mountain and that his dogs could run free if they wanted to. He went on to tell HeWho was begging the man to call his dogs off that if the dogs killed anything he would kill them. While he was busy trying to justify his dogs, rather than call them off, they were killing my Martha. So, yes the man definitely has some mental issues.

Fortunately(?) the man was not home and HeWho did not encounter the dogs. He had mentioned to the other neighbors that he was going to file a report with the sheriff. The dogs are dangerous and could continue their murder spree. Small children would not be safe around the dogs. The neighbors seem to think this is also a bad idea. They say that he will retaliate and get revenge.

So, are we supposed to just pretend this didn't happen and let this man, who should never be allowed to have dogs, just go on about the business of letting his animals go on murdering sprees? His dogs attacked my cat on my property. The dogs have obviously never been socialized or treated like pets, but apparently taught to fight and take what they want.

We have a fenced in area for our dogs, but Eddie frequently is allowed to follow me around as I go about my daily business. He will stay right next to me and climb up the driveway to me She Shed and keep me company while I rake or water or mow. What if those dogs show up and grab my Eddie. Eddie is not a fighter, Martha was. Martha put up a good fight until he couldn't. I would dive right in to save my Eddie and would get mauled myself. Now, I am afraid to even let the dogs into their yard that is fenced without going with them.

And I am just numb today. Even if we fenced our entire lot in, there is still the creek that runs through the property and the reason we purchased the property. You can't fence a creek.

I am going to file the report. Bullies should not be left to dictate what happens in a neighborhood. My only options should not be moving away or living in fear. 


  1. File the police report. The dogs are dangerous. Find out what you can do re shoot to kill. Shoot and kill the dogs if they attack your animals. This is B$%t. I am so so sorry for you. Horrifying. Roaming viscous dogs are illegal almost everywhere, rural or not. Tell the sheriff you are afraid of retaliation. they need to tell the Cretin that any retaliation will result in his arrest. And get a gun, shoot the dogs if they set foot on your land. What a monster. The Cretin needs to be removed.

    1. I agree with Chicagogrrrl. We had a similar issue with a neighbor's dog. Thankfully I was nearby when it attacked our cat. I was close enough to save it and we spoke to the dog's owner about what happened. He became angry and said "that's what dogs do". And since there is no leash law where we live we felt pretty helpless. We spoke with the sheriff and were told if it happened again we would need proof it was the neighbor's dog. Of course that would mean taking a pic or video of it attacking our cat. Time is of the essence when a vicious dog is mauling your cat and we certainly weren't going to lose time photographing as the attack unfolds. So my husband informed the neighbor that if it ever happened again he would shoot the dog. Shortly afterward the neighbor found another home for the dog because he knew it was our legal right to protect our pet.

    2. I took pictures to try to locate Martha after they pulled him across the creek. The dogs were not in any pictures, as I was too busy throwing rocks at them while they were mauling my cat. If they come my way again, I fully intend to stop them with whatever means necessary.

  2. I see others have echoed my comment on your last post. Tell the guy if you ever see his dogs on your property again you will shoot them. If you don't have a gun you may have to get one just to protect yourself from dangerous dogs.

    1. We have a shotgun and I have a taser. If we use them, we mean to make it count.

  3. Those dogs are a real danger. What's to say that they won't attack a human next? Do what you have to do.

    1. I know, but there are members of society who seem to think their wants outweigh the safety of others.

  4. That's how it is in the country. I have lived in fear for my pets here most of my life. Some people just don't care.

    1. I am sad, but I am also mad. I refuse to live in fear, those dogs need to fear me for what I have in store for them, all the while wishing the owner would be punished. I doubt the loss of his dogs would register in his heart like losing my pet did. They are just dogs to him and he would just get more.

  5. I'm with everyone above. Get a gun. Put the bully on notice his dogs are not welcome on YOUR property.

  6. Everybody here in the country lets their dogs run loose. We never had a problem until our neighbor the dog groomer had a couple of "rescue dogs" that killed our entire flock of 33 chickens, four or five at a time. It was a standard poodle and a rottweiler. Obviously they had issues, or they would not have been "rescue dogs." Hick told the neighbor he would shoot them if they came back. That's what happens to nuisance dogs in the country. He shot the poodle with a paintball gun. Neither dog came back afterwards, but I think it's because the neighbor penned them up.

    My own little Jack, the heeler/dachshund, developed a habit of running that same neighbor's horses. We told her we were aware, and got a shock collar. It only took about a week with Mr. Shocky to break that little devil of his obnoxious habit. If she had shot him, I would have been sad, but I know that justice must be served. It's the unwritten law of the country. Animals don't understand property lines. The owner has to control the dog, or it gets shot if it causes problems.

    1. Those dogs are not pets to that man. He is probably a wanna-be mauler, so he has dogs to entertain him. They will not be welcome here and if we do mage to shoot them, I will make sure they just disappear, never to be seen again.

  7. Yes, file the police report and get a gun. Is your aim any good? You might need to practice, moving dogs are hard to hit.

    1. I have never shot a gun, so I don't know what my aim is like. I do okay with a stun gun, though.

  8. Kathy, and you thought you could escape the crap by moving to the side of a mountain. I am so sorry and ticked off about your poor baby. I don't think any of you or your pets are safe with those dogs around. You must be hurting so deeply. Be aware of your surroundings with the dogs and their owner so close by. HUGS

    1. We had strays show up at the campground frequently and we would put them in the dog run and feed and water them. Most of the ones that came up were from the meth lab down the road. When the meth guys were in jail the dogs would get hungry! Could be what the mountain man is up to for all we know. Trust no one?


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