Heavy Hearts

 We have both avoided looking down into the ravine for the past few days. I can't stop hearing my cat calling for me and I relive the entire event. I have been using sleep aides to be able to sleep. Unfortunately this does not prevent dreaming.

This is where we finally got to Martha. I was snapping pictures and then enlarging them to try to find him. He was covered in mud and leaves and was a dark gray color that looked like a rock. Can you see him? He is on the other side of the log laying on the ground.

Still hard to see. I knew it was him only because this is where the dogs dropped him when the owner finally called them. I kept my eye on him until HeWho crossed the creek so I could direct him. I assumed he was already dead because he was not moving and no longer responded when I called his name. Martha never responded to "kitty kitty". He knew his name and would either come to me or look at me if he could see me.

At least he knew I was trying to get to him and I hope he injured those dogs with his claws. We went out for breakfast this morning, then to the fruit stand in Hiawassee. Just to avoid going home.

We cleaned the turtle habitat and I gave Dora her weekly bath. She enjoys it. HeWho says there is no way I can know this, but she does. She looks into my eyes and then she will stretch her neck out and rub it against my fingers. She loves me, I know she does!

Mr. BoJangles is having a difficult time. He has been searching for his cat. He keeps going out on the porch and has looked in all the places he would normally find Martha. I should probably wash Martha's porch bed. I already gave my cat food away. Bo won't get in the bed without Martha, but I know he can smell his old buddy.

Eddie is also sad. Martha groomed Eddie when he was a puppy, but stopped when he grew bigger. Bo was only 5 weeks old when we got him, really too young to be weaned. He had a habit of grabbing up a wad of Eddie's fur on his back and sucking it. Not like he got any nutrition, it was just a comfort thing and I am sure he chose Eddie because Eddie is so laid back and wouldn't object. He had stopped doing that, but Eddie's back is wet with Bo slobber every morning now.

Eddie does not want to go outside now. He peed in the floor yesterday, something he has not done for a very long time. Toni Louise seems oblivious. Don't know if she is just dumb or very uncaring. As long a she is fed and watered and gets treats she is fine.

HeWho is devastated. Martha would choose to sit with him every evening and morning. Oh, he would greet me and get a scratch on the head first, but I am always surrounded by dogs.

I was doing ok at breakfast. I even put makeup on so I wouldn't frighten anyone. A couple came in the cafe with a tiny dog in a basket. A little long haired chihuahua named Baby. We are always drawn to animals and they were in a booth right next to our table, so of course we stopped to pet the dog and chat with Baby's people. The couple was in their 90's and just so sweet. The lady with them was talking to me about her dachshund, then she mentioned that she had a cat sanctuary for rescues.

The tears started then, so we left the cafe. I would go take a nap, but I am afraid I will dream.


  1. I am so sorry. This brings tears and I don't even really know Martha or you. But I love cats...and dogs so much. Keep writing. ❤

  2. One foot in front of the other. You're only human. Keep on.

  3. I don't have words to describe how sad your trauma makes me feel.

  4. Virtual hugs is all I can offer ((()))

  5. It will take time. Especially with losing Cujo and Martha in such a short period.


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