Somehwere Over The Rainbow


This is a picture of Cujo the day I met him and he chose me to give him a furever home.

HeWho suggested we did not need another dog was smitten by my sweet boy. Need is not the issue, unless you might be thinking that Cujo needed a home.

What a handsome specimen he was. A timid creature who ate so fast he would throw up. He shied from other dogs, as well as humans. He mainly wanted to be held. By me. He became my contant companion, following me where ever I went and waiting patiently at the end of the day for me to lock up and return to his space.

He grew old and gray, losing his teeth and vision, but still wanting nothing more than to be snuggled next to me. No longer running and playing with his furry siblings, he was content to just sit in my lap and bark at them occasionally. He barked at HeWho everytime he left or returned. I would scoop him up in my arms and soothe him and sometimes grew impatient with his bark and would scold him.

Last night we went to bed as usual. Cujo was restless and did not take his usual place in bed. He jumped down and I heard him lapping water from his bowl. I was watching TV and waiting for him to come to the side of the bed and wait to be picked up. I grew drowsy and fell asleep. This morning Cujo came from under the bed to greet me and Eddie as we made our way to the back door. Bo joined us and they all went out.

Eddie and Bo returned as I was making coffee. I looked out and saw him gagging and retching. Not unusual, as he likes to eat grass in the morning. I sat drinking coffee and watching an episode of The Crown. I left the door open for Cujo and Martha to come in. 

HeWho woke and while he was dressing I asked him to check on Cujo, as he had yet to come back in. He found him dead on the ground. I feel so awful that I wasn't there for my little dog and he died all alone. I did not get to hold him and kiss his sweet head and tell him how much I loved him this morning while he was still alive. Oh, I did hold him and kiss him, I hope he heard me as I told him to go find Oscar and Wall-E.

My heart hurts. He seemed fine last night on the couch as we sat together and I later carried him to bed. He did not seem to be in any pain this morning. Nothing at all out of the ordinary. I will miss my sweet little dog and be sad for a long time. Eddie is sad and even Bo is subdued. Such an awful day.


  1. So sorry for your loss, animals truly become important parts of our lives and it is devastating when they pass.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I just have to navigate the mourning process now. It is never easy.

  2. Oh, no! I'm confident that Cujo knew exactly how much he was loved.

    1. I told him every day in our morning smoochies session. He may have tried to spare me by not coming back inside.

  3. I am crying for Cujo, though I never met him and only know him from his writings here. His sweetness shines through in the pictures. He was a loyal companion who knew he was loved. It's so hard to let them go.

    Sometimes I think our pets try to spare us pain when they pass. and wait until we're not around. Our old dog Grizzly waited until the boys and I left for the first day of school. We found him when we got home, stretched out in the sun over on Shackytown Boulevard, taking his forever nap.

    1. My eyes are sore! It was so sudden and out of the blue. I had no idea his time was coming. He might have thought to spare me pain, but really there is no way to avoid the pain of losing a loved one. I am sure he has found Oscar and they are frolicking around together like two old men.

  4. Farewell dear Cujo. We must learn to live without your lovely descriptions of life with mom and that silly pack of four-leggers you watched over so long. Keep track of them from over there and warn mom when the little guy gets too silly.

    1. All dogs go to heaven, you know! It will take some time for me to not look for him when I wake in the night. Bo and Eddie are especially attentive to me right now, we will be okay.

  5. It is so sad to lose our much loved pets. I am so sorry

  6. I am so sorry. I had a Cujo look- a- like for 15 years. I know the pain you are feeling.. And I will be feeling it again soon, as my currant baby is 15. So hard.

    1. We know the day will come when we hold a tiny puppy and revel in the joy thy are bringing to our lives. But, when the time comes, it still hurts so much.

  7. I am so sorry to read this, I'm all teary-eyed here. I'm going to miss reading about him, even though I never knew him.

    1. He had quite the personality, didn't he? I am missing my old guy this morning. Bo is tucked next to me, but I still feel a bit empty.

  8. I hope he knew how loved he was. I told him every day!

  9. It is so hard to lose our pets. But hey, he had the best life you could give him!

    1. He was pampered and loved, as all my furry friends are. He had a special place in my heart as he preferred me to anyone else in the world.

  10. I am so very sad to learn of this, I know how much love you had for this little one who gave you so much love and happiness. I believe he knows how much you loved him... perhaps he is now running and prancing along in happy delight with not a care or ache anymore. My heart goes out to you, my friend. Hugs to you. (I've been away a while due to health and other things, but will be visiting more often now.)

  11. Oh, sad news. I have my own constant companion who is right now in my lap. I dread the day.

    1. We know when we get them that the day will come. The love he had for me makes it all worthwhile.


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