Laundry Day

 "One of the dogs threw up in the bed last night." says HeWho would claim to be the master of my universe. I was sipping coffee and moving rather cautiously, not wanting to anger my back any more than it already was. "Where?" I say. "In the bed" says HeWho.

"No, where IN THE BED, I want a location." I say, knowing I should have been more specific. I would have thought It would be clear, but I should know better. It was at the foot of the bed on his side. Before you ask, I will be quick to assure you that he did not attend to the mess. I would have to be extremely ill for that to happen. I should say that he has been the dishwasher all week.

Wouldn't you know that I had just changed the bedding. It went through the bedspread, both sheets and the mattress cover that is waterproof, thank goodness. That decided my chores for the day would be with the washer and dryer. Of course it is raining and that eliminates use of the clothesline.

The machines are still going at this time, 7:30 in the evening and I just finished making the bed. Thank you, whichever dog gifted me this mess. In between loads we made a quick trip to Walmart. I got 10 more bags of mulch! And another flat of mums to plant. Hopefully tomorrow. All depends on the magic of the Icy Hot and Tylenol.

I had planned to do more organizing in the She Shed yesterday, but I went into the HeWho Shed and saw the massive amount of disorganization and changed my plans to put it in order. Lest you think this was all for him, I couldn't find what I was looking for and it annoyed me greatly. He is a stacker of things and when the stack topples over, he will continue to stack on top of that. I use tools,too and I have no area to devote to tools in my shed, so I bit the bullet and put things in order. I am not done, but I did manage to unload three big plastic bins and two boxes. I found all sorts of things he had gone out and bought duplicates of, thinking he left them in Missouri. I know what is out there now and I uncovered the miter saw that I like to use, so it wasn't a waste of my time. And, he washed the dishes and got take out for dinner.

I do love to organize things, I find it soothing and I can fall to sleep easier thinking about all I accomplished.

It appears that this will be the one and only gourd to harvest.

It had over a dozen this size on the vine at one time.

Then they shrivel and fall off!

I was telling Martha, the boy cat, all my woes, but he seemed aloof and disinterested as he flopped over to enjoy the 10 minutes of sun we had. My grass seed finally took hold and is growing nicely. Martha enjoys it. We never worry too much that Martha may be hungry, as you can see, he hasn't missed a meal or a snack.


  1. Martha is a healthy boy! I think maybe Dora could flip over from her back easier than Martha! My favorite gambling aunt had a dog who would get stuck on his back, and she'd have to give him a nudge. But she still bought him a Hardee's cheeseburger every afternoon at the drive-thru.

    1. I swear we do not over feed him! He just supplements his diet with his hunting skills.

  2. Are the gourds edible? I know some are and some aren't, but no idea which is which apart from the pumpkin/squash family.

  3. Yeah, I'm the organizer around here too but I don't go in his office except to vacuum the visible part of the floor. He can wallow in his chaos.

    1. I did just that in his "barn" at the campground. We ended up leaving a lot of valuable tools and such. Chaos makes me crazy.


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