
 This is where I started with my woods around my She Shed. Seems like a long time ago, but, really only months. You can see the electical wire on the ground that needs to be dealt with. Never a good idea to bury things around my gardens. I am likely to dig them up in my zeal to plant more flowers.

My woods are looking more like this now. Sometimes I find it hard to believe I cleared all this! 

I saved all the trees I thinned out. They came in very useful working on my handrail. Although that project is over, I will not be getting rid of them. Who knows what I will think of next??

Actually, I have many projects in mind. Just need to priortize them.


  1. There's no working outside projects going on here, just too damn hot outside.

    1. Only early mornings and evenings here. Middle of the day is overwhelming!

  2. Oh good, lots of stick for those little woven fences.

  3. They'll come in very handy when you need another fence or handrail for something.

    1. I had to venture into more woods yesterday to find a bigger downed tree. Having accomplished that I ran into different problems ....


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