
 Cujo here again. Mom stayed in her gardens for hours today. She took a shower when she came in and fixed lunch for HeWho is our Dad and herself. She was looking sleepy to me and I was all set to help her take a nap. But she looked at the clock on the stove and declared the time to be too late for napping. I do not agree. It is always time for a nap!

She sat herself down on the couch and motioned for me to come to her to be lifted up to sit by her side. That seemed like a great idea, I can grab a nap on the couch. I did not see what she had in her hand when she sat down. I will need to pay closer attention from now on. She had the nail clippers!

She told HeWho is the master of Toni Louise that she was tired of Toni stabbing her legs with her talons (what are talons?) and that he needs to take command of the situation and cut her nails. Are talons just another word for nails? I sure could use Wall-E's wisdom about now!

Mom said that Toni's nails were so long that she should be able to catch prey with them just like an eagle. I have never seen an eagle close up, so I was unaware of the state of the eagles nails. Mom explained that eagles grab there prey and hold onto them with their talons deeply imbedded. This seems cruel and I do not ever wish to see this with my own eyes!

Toni hid immediately. Bo jumped into HeWho is our Dad's lap and Eddie and I were the only two left. She told Eddie that he needed to let her clip his nails. He refused to make eye contact with her. "It does not hurt!" said Mom. "I promise you, it does not hurt, just watch me clip Cujo's nails." Wait a minute! How did I become involved in this mani/pedi attempt? My nails are not long, Mom just cut them not long ago. And, anyway, I will bite them off if they get too long!

She cut my nails. Then they tried to cut Bo's nails. I must admit, that was funny! Mom was holding his hind legs and one of his front legs while HeWho is our Dad tried to cut the nails on the other front leg. Bo started snarling and tried to bite Mom!! Dad cut one nail, but that was all he could do. Bo was fighting for his very life and Mom said his little heart was beating way too fast and let him escape.

Then she picked Eddie up into her arms and kissed him on the head. He tried to act like he had no idea what was about to happen. Mom asked HeWho is our Dad to hand her some scissors to cut the fur away from Eddies toes, so she could see. She managed to snip just one lock of fur before Eddie decided he was having none of it! He grabbed her hand with his mouth!!

Mom asked Eddie if he had lost his mind, trying to bite the hand that feeds him? He admitted to me that it did not hurt, but he does not like his feet to be touched. I don't really care if Mom touches my feet or clips my nails. She would never hurt me intentionally. She loves me and I aways feel safe with her. I told Eddie this and he admitted that he knew this, but still did not want his feet to be messed with. Mom is not happy with the others right now. Just me. I am the favorite, after all, and this must be why!

We must all keep Eddie in our best thoughts. Next time I will tell you what Mom did to Toni Louise!


  1. Of course you are the favorite, Cujo! Maybe Bo could be swaddled in a blanket or towel, with only one leg exposed at a time. Like my boy Genius, when he was a baby, and the county health nurse would show up to take blood samples as part of a study related to living in the Lead Belt of Missouri. I can't wait to hear about the Toni Louise experience!

    1. Bo needs drugs, I tell you! Wall-E was the same about his feet. Every vet visit started with a shot for Wall-E and he stil had to be muzzled. Mo has been trying to get a picture of Toni then I can SHOW you!

  2. Well, Cujo, I'm waiting to hear what Mom did to Toni Louise.

    1. It was quite an adventure for Toni, as you will see.

  3. Would it be too much trouble to get those dogs to a vet twice a years for the nail clipping? It seems like the best option unless you can sedate them via their food according to vet directions. That could still be tricky though.

    1. I do have their nails clipped by the vet with every visit, but I don't take them just for the nail clipping. I am thrifty!

  4. My cat would not let anyone touch his feet. Then I started touching them and offeringa treat. He finally relaxed, and now i clip his nails weekly.

  5. I make it a priority to play with the feet of every animal I get. They either love it or hate it.


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