
 After my unfortunate encounter with the hornets, I haven't yet employed the shovel again. I can't bring myself to shove the blade into the ground without knowing what lays beneath. Yeah, I am scared to dig.

I decided to work on my "fence" along the embankment. It is coming along nicely. A little labor intensive, but it will be worth the effort.

After I reinforce it with some rocks, it should keep the mulch in place and help with the erosion. My soaker hose shows up like a big green slap in the face. I thought I ordered black. I will have to get clever about some camoflage. I don't intend to mulch this area, as it would take several truck loads to do it properly and mulching just atop the hose would look silly.

Our next big project is the put drainage pipe along the ditch beginning just above the steps. A ton or two of rock could then be poured to widen the drive and make it easier to access my plants along the drive. It will also secure my "steps".

You can see how the water flows on this end of the drive. The drain pipe would run alongside the carport, under the shed of HeWho's tools and out over the ravine. We already have the pipe, now just need to get busy in the ditch. All that dirt will be coming down to widen the drive and create a new parking space for my car. I measured, it will fit. It will make the drive wider and thus easier to maneuver vehicles in and out. 

HeWho backs all the way down the drive with the RV and the truck. There is no where to turn around unless you drive into my small front yard. I do not suggest it, as I hear the lady of the house will get quite upset as she is trying to cultivate grass. We were talking about putting a small carport up for my car and I just knew he was going to suggest that I back down the drive, as well. That is just not going to happen. I told him if the car has to be backed down the drive, I would be abandoning said vehicle at the top of the drive and walking down, leaving it up to him! It is long and steep and tight. Not my idea of an end to a relaxing outing.


  1. I do like the little fence. Next year how beautiful all will be.

    1. I am looking forward to next year, as the plants will start to fill in and things will be a little more settled.

  2. I'm not sure I really understand about the drainage pipe since the water is going to flow downhill anyway but I'm sure you know what you're doing.

    1. The path of the water will eventually erode the top soil away, causing the rock we put down to shift and make holes that will have to be filled in. As it is right now, I can stand on bedrock in some places in the ditch. The harder part will be removing the soiland making a retaining wall ....

  3. love the woven branches and the sign about your "bloomers." I am amazed at how you envision things then design and shine! My daughetr has a long drive that she expects ME to back down. Fist time I hit a big boulder and damaged my car. Now I inch down and hit my brakes every few feet. I despise that drive.

    1. I know!! My car has a back-up camera, but I can't bring myself to entirely trust it. HeWho says all I need to do is put it in reverse and steer, letting gravity do the work. He is insane!

  4. What a gorgeous spot you have. You are rich in trees. I have no idea where I am going in reverse so I try to avoid that gear.

    1. Thank you. It is a labor of love. I enjoy everything except the bee stings!


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