Weak As Snot

 My grandmother used to use the term "weak as snot" to describe how bad she was feeling. I don't know that it applies, as I find snot to be very strong! When I lie down to sleep, it starts slipping down the back of my throat and causes me to cough violently. Medical professionals refer to this as postnasal drip.

Once again, drip does not apply. More like a constant waterfall choking me and causing violent spasms of coughing that bring me up and out of the bed. It started Sunday on the trip. I have seasonal allergies and they were in full force. I feel better sitting up but have not figured out how to sleep in a sitting position.

Why is always worse at night? I can soldier through the daytime hours, not 100%, but doable. The coughing makes my entire body ache, right down to my fingers and toes. If only I could sleep. Sleep makes everything better. I had high hopes for last night in my own bed. Mucinex Nighttime Severe Cold and Flu did not stop my coughing. I was up and down all night long coughing, coughing and more coughing. My voice is gone. I can whisper, but HeWho can't hear me under normal circumstances will either yell, "what?" or act like he doesn't see me.

I am waiting patiently for him to arise to call the clinic for me. I doubt my whisper would convey on the phone line. My ribs hurt. I am sore all over. To add insult to injury, I think I broke my foot!

When I say that I broke my foot, I mean that quite literally. I have broken my left foot for times in the past, every time I was in an upright position, walking and either stepped on something or tripped. 

This is my right foot. I was sitting on the "bed" that the dinette set makes with all the dogs, listening to audio books while HeWho drove. I would drive, but he would have to keep the dogs content and out of the cab while I drove. Eddie and Cujo would not like this arrangement. They would find a way to get to me and then be begging to get in my lap. Cujo, in particular would evade capture and end up under my feet where the brakes and gas pedal are. This is not safe, so I sit in the back with my feet up and all the animals nest with me. I am available to fetch drink refills and sandwiches for the driver and I can control the herd, what with me being the alpha.

So, there I was bumping along bad roads, not conducive to napping. I was bored and stiff, so I was stretching my legs and then my feet. You know how you can flex one foot against the other? I was doing that when I heard a distinct pop. Thought it was a toe joint popping and forgot about it. Next time I stood up, pain shot through the side of my foot.

I thought it was just from sitting and that maybe I had a dog laying on it and should have moved the dog, but we like to let sleeping dogs lie (so many title opportunities in this post!). It has gotten progressively worse. I knew I had some ace bandages at home, so I stayed off my foot as much as possible until we got home.

I was tired and irritable when we got home. All my marigold had been nibbled down to the ground and rabbit poop adorned the tiny front lawn. This did not help my attitude. Toni Louise decided to escape and took Bo with her. I was getting out to guide the driver while he backed the RV into the garage.

Toni tore up the driveway, goofy grin in place, and all I saw of Bo was his butt, as he passed her. They headed up to the She Shed, then on to the main road. HeWho was expecting me to give chase! I do not run! I especially do not run when my foot is screaming in pain. I limped up the drive and saw Toni coming down the drive, she met me at the She Shed. She gracefully flew over the ditch and up the embankment, still grinning at me. I asked her where she left her little brother, but she simply turned away and ran to the steepest part of the embankment and leapt down to greet here master and act like all was well in her world. About that time, I turned to see my little demon, Bo come hurtling down the drive. He face had a look of sheer determination and his tiny legs churned down the drive.

I limped my way down my sturdy steps to the driveway and saw that Eddie and Cujo were coming up the drive to get me. They do not run from me. They just like to be with me. They will stay right on my heels. Unless a rabbit encroaches their territory. Thankfully, the rabbits stayed wherever rabbits stay until time to steal my flowers.

As happy as I was to be back on my mountain, I was still feeling pretty ragged. A nice long shower would help, I thought. I went to gather clean clothes and ace bandages. For the life of me I could not find either of the two ace bandages I SAW last week. I looked where I thought I put them, them in every drawer, nook and cranny. No ace bandage.

HeWho is never a help when searching. I need quiet to try to visualize the last place I saw something, and he just riddles me with questions. Really "out there" suggestions. "Did you put them in your She Shed?" "What about the other sheds?"

I dispatched him to Walgreens for Mucinex and ace and a coke. I don't drink a lot of soft drinks, but I was hoping that a coke would clear my throat. They say it will unclog a toilet, so ...

All that and another sleepless night. Almost noon and HeWho is still in bed, but not for long!


  1. Nothing's worse than coming home from a trip and not being able to relax in your house! Crossing my fingers that everything gets better soon.

    1. I am happy to be home, being sick at home is always preferable!

  2. Have you tried sleeping on your side? PND would keep me swallowing all night when I slept on my back, but rolling on my side sends it somewhere I don't know and don't care.

    1. I do sleep on my side, well I try to sleep in any position. Mostly I am sleeping upright. I still cough, but at least I am not drowning in my own secretions.

  3. I know that snotty feeling! At least mine is probably only 1/100 as severe as yours. I hope you get your foot issue solved. Maybe a walking boot? That would be better than crutches and staying off it, but depends on what's wrong. Those rascally rabbits! They need a good dachshund-chasing!

    1. The doxies would give chase, but it would terrify me! My babies going into the woods without my protection!! Martha will eventually get them to leave. Maybe the poop right in the front driveway was the rabbit thumbing a nose at Martha for not being here!

  4. I have the postnasal drip too and usually take an antihistamine about an hour before going to bed. It dries things up enough that I can sleep, but I should ask the chemist about it in case there is something better than antihistamine.

    1. I take Zyrtec and Singulair daily for my allergies and asthma. I use Flonase, as needed, so every day. I have been taking Dayquil and Nightquil for severe cold and flu symptoms, but nothing seems to handle the cough that is preventing sleep!

  5. Oh Kathy, so many folks I know have that unrelenting cough. I hope you can get some relief. And oh crap! Your foot again? I hope you popped a tendon and it's not a broken bone. My daughter put in her flowers and what the deer didnt eat, the rabbits scavanged. I take a post nasl over the counter pill nightly which also makes me sleep sounder. I know when I miss one. Wake up hacking and clearing my throat. No fun.

  6. I had horrible allergies growing up complicated by a nose broken and constricted when I was three. And then somewhere around the time I was 19 or 20, they went away! I can't imagine you broke your foot just by flexing it. Like Linda says maybe you just popped a tendon. Too bad about your marigolds. Pesky rabbits.

    1. Must have been just a tendon in my foot since it had a miraculous recovery!!


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