
 I am happy to report that I am much better. My voice is still not working as well as it should, but I am in hopes that it is intelligible as I am sitting here, on hold.

I gave the task of appointment making to the person for whom the appointment is being made. Should have known better. The appointment needed to be in Jasper to make the results readily available to the doctor, at a hospital in the same system with the hospital in Atlanta. The testing can easily be done here, but the results would be delayed a day while they downloaded it to send to the doctor. First available appointment in Jasper was not until October. I was listening as the person on the other end was finding solutions for a sooner appointment.

First she told him Canton. Canton is about two and a half hours away. Jasper is two hours away. She suggested Atlanta, which would be a nightmare of traffic and probably close to three hours. All of this was rumbling around in my head. Then she found an opening in Elijay, 63 miles away. Tomorrow at 1:00. He accepted the appointment.

I was sweeping up the sand he tracked inside and trying to dodge dogs and get it into the dust pan and not giving the phone call my full attention. Then it occured to me that the test could be done at the hospital in Blairsville, only 30 minutes away. I coldn't get across the room before he completed the call. I remembered the reason she wanted it done in Jasper.

So, I am calling back to change the appointment to Blairsville. Well, if anyone ever answers. Gas prices being what they are, the closer, the better. Plus they wanted to make three seperate appointments. It is all CT, so do them all at once. 

Still on hold. Is the entire population making appointments today? My throat no longer hurts, it just takes a lot of effort to talk. Leaves me breathless. I will be happy when we have a full month of no appointments.

I hung up, we will just go to Elijay. Never been there, might be fun! The house was vibrating just now, making me think we were having an earthquake. Just the washer spinning out. I think I should go take a nap!

We have an appointment to finally to get our driver's lisence on the 27th and I have to get an ultrasound of my heart on the 29th. I think we have two appointments already for July and I am quite certain they will be scheduling a procedure for his legs after all the testing is done ..... in Atlanta. I would say that I don't mind driving THROUGH Atlanta, but I am not looking forward to driving IN Atlanta. Thank goodness for GPS!


  1. The last time I was in Atlanta, the freeway was six lanes wide. That was enough for me.

    1. I drove through Atlanta every time I went to see my Dad while he was dying. At a gas stop on one of the first trips a trucker advised me to just stay on 75 and take no bypasses. Truckers have to take the bypass. There seemed to be ore like 12 lanes, though I didn't count them! Knowing I wanted to say on 75, I just chose a middle lane and stayed there until I got out of the congested part. Thank goodness that I will at least have GPS to help me navigate the city streets to the hospital.

  2. I think from now on you need to be in charge of the appointment making. Hope all goes well.

    1. I usually do make all the appointments, but I had no voice!

  3. Our son always picks us up in Atlanta when we fly to visit him and his family. He lives near Columbus, but does a lot of driving for his job, so he is very familiar with the city. It would scare me to death if my husband and I had to make our way into the town on our own!

    1. If you drive it a lot, I supose it becomes second nature. I don't like to drive in cities, but with GPS it is easier.

  4. Glad you are feeling better! I don't like ANY highway driving these days. Maybe it's PTSD from the years I commuted to St. Louis. My most frightening current strip of highway is I-35 South, heading into Norman, Oklahoma. Especially that time we took The Pony to college, and he was driving his Nissan Rogue, having about 1 month of driving experience under his belt. The exit we needed was from the far left lane. I have never longed so much to be a passenger in Hick's sweaving automobile!

    1. I must be a control freak! I prefer to be the driver. I am not a good passenger. I apply brakes so hard on my side, I am surprised my foot has not gone through the floor of the car! I am constantly questioning whether or not HeWho is sure about what he is doing as he passes the place we should be and then we have to double back! I think this is why I prefer to stay home, it is just too stressful!!

  5. I'm appointment free for several months! Glad you are feeling better. And living out in the country/small town has it's good points and disadvantages, like nearby good medical care.


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