
 You might recall that I was looking for a garden bed for my vegetables. Since I am not sure where I want a permanent one, I decided on something easy to move.

I grabbed some leftovers of siding from the shed project and with some help from HeWho I built a box for my asparagus. I won't have any this year, so I stuck a tomato plant on either end. Basil and rosemary in one green pot, with sweet peas in the other.

I have added some pots since the last picture. Cucumbers and beans are in various pots now. Looks tacky, right? Perhaps HeWho fancies himself to be a carpenter will get tired of looking at it and build the planting boxes I really want. I won't hold my breath.

My first tomato!!


  1. I'm considering a tomato plant in a flower pot and look at you, with a tomato already!

    1. I check it every morning! I am putting a net over it today. Being so close to the house I am not too worried about rabbits, as the cat continues to diminish that population. Deer, though ....

  2. I hope the critters leave your vegetables alone!

    1. A net I bought on clearance about 5 years ago and forgot I had was recently unpacked and will go over the plants today.

  3. Tacky shmacky. Who cares as long as you get food? Work on building the containers over time. I have a rosemary bush visible from my front window. Planted by a tenant who moved into a nursing home in 2018, it is now 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide. Anyone who needs some just comes across the yard and gets a bit.

  4. I know, it is not like my home can be seen from the road. But it would be a good project for HeWho to do something other than hold his chair down! The added bonus of having him outside and moving would be good. I had raspberries like that in Minnesota and the neighbors felt free to gather as many as they wanted, and I had plenty for us. The more you give, the more you get! I love rosemary. I love the look, the smell and the flavor it adds to food.

  5. Protect that little gem from the dreaded tomato HORNWORMS! I have nightmares about them, after grabbing one while picking my last tomato.


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