Two Steps Forward, One Back


Finally warmed up enough to go outside and work up a sweat. I hiked up the driveway to check on my hostas. They are coming along. I planted a peony bush behind that log between the trees. It is struggling to survive. I need mulch. Lots and lots of mulch. I hope someone will deliver.

My steps. I put these in all by myself. I waited until HeWho was on an errand before I dragged the shovel, hatchet and a level up the drive. These are sturdy and level and I am quite proud of my work. After a lot of wind and rain, they have remained stable. I planted the white dianthus there today. They will spread and fill in over time. I "dug" my holes with the hatchet. I pounded the small rocks in and hope to keep the side from eroding.

I need mulch, though. I have some creeping phlox to add .... somewhere. I still haven't decided. There is some "grass" up there, but not a lot. It is green and HeWho loves to mow did mow it. If it is green and has nothing to mark it off as a garden, he will mow it. I mark everything.

We seem to have a downed tree. I will not tackle that with my mini chainsaw! See all those leaves? I want them swept away but doubt I will get to them this year.

Here are the steps HeWho started and never finished. Actually, I started, and he took over the task because he didn't like my plan. One day, when he is absent from our homestead, I will pull apart his efforts and do it myself. His are level side to side, not front to back. They tilt forward and would make it easy to fall on your face. 

I accomplished nothing else today besides some chores inside. I am tired with no reason to be tired!


  1. What, all that work and you think you shouldn't be tired! Well done.

  2. All those leaves could be the mulch, rake and bag them, punch the bag a few times to break them down a bit then spread them where you need mulch and keep them damp. Or just rake, spread and water. Leaves are the original mulch, they fall, they break down, they feed the soil, encourage worms etc

    1. I know I could use those leaves, but I really like the look of mulch. I did leave a healthy layer and turned them into the soil to make it richer.

  3. You really are a mountain mama, moving fallen trees, making stone paths, planting, beautifying.
    Buy a hammock and snooze outdoors among nature.

    1. I plan on a hammock. Soon as I remove any snake hiding places among the trees! I just hope I can get in and out of a hammock with a semblance of grace!

  4. Use some sturdy fallen limbs to make a rustic handrail for your steps! You know, when you run out of projects and need something to do...

    1. Funny you should mention the handrail. I do plan to use some sturdy limbs, but I cut them down with my trusty chain saw. I am in the process of scraping the bark and then soaking them in Thompson's treatment before putting them to use.

  5. Good job on the steps. And of course you had to do it yourself. When I laid my sandstone path along the side of the house I spaced them to my stride.


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